Politically Homeless

This blog is created as a forum for the increasingly large number of voters in Marion County, Florida who consider themselves to be "Politically Homeless". We are individuals who are frustrated with political parties and discouraged by "politics as usual". Many of us have no registered party affiliation. Others stay registered with a party only to vote in primaries, but no longer identify with the party's current political direction. We encourage you to post your comments.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Florida Speaks: Clinton, McCain & Yes on "1"

Here are the FINAL results of the Florida Primary; with Marion County results in ( ).


Clinton 50% (51%)
Obama 33% (27%)
Edwards 14% (19%)


McCain 36% (31%)
Romney 31% (33%)
Giuliani 15% (11%)
Huckabee 13% (20%)

Amendment 1

Yes 64% (59.7%)
No 36% (40.3%)

Ocala Palms Annexation by the City of Ocala

For 22%
Against 78%

Any surprises or trends for the future from these results?

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Open Thread: Primary Hiatus

{This thread is closed. Use the new "Open Thread" posted on February 8 for your discussion topics.}

If you are growing tired of the political foreplay in all the various caucuses and primaries, use this Open Thread to start another topic for discussion.

If you want to comment (or not), the Nevada caucuses were won by Mitt Romney and Hillary Clinton (each with 50%+ of the votes). In the South Carolina Republican primary, it was John McCain as the winner with 33% of the vote. Since 1980, the winner in S.C. has always received the Party nomination.

We’ll come back to the primaries when the “real one” takes place in Florida on January 29! In the meantime, it’s your nickel on the Open Thread.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Michigan Primary: What’s the Significance?

Here are the winners in the Michigan Primary.


Clinton 55%
Uncommitted 40%


Romney 39%
McCain 30%
Huckabee 16%

Anything stand out in these results? What about the large number of voters who came out to vote “uncommitted” in the Democrat Primary?

Saturday, January 12, 2008

2008-09 Government Budgets: What To Cut?

It seems that 2008-09 will be another tough time for the budgets of state government. Click on the link below and read a memo recently sent to all members of the Florida House of Representatives detailing the budget challenges:


Obviously, state budget problems have a trickle down impact on city and county governments. Not too long ago there was an op-ed piece in the Star-Banner from the chairman of the county commission (Charlie Stone) outlining the county’s overall 2008-09 challenges, including budget issues. Local city governments are also not immune from the budget short fall. Compounding the problem is the upcoming vote on Amendment 1, a ballot initiative that further reduces state and local revenues by giving taxpayers some modest property tax relief.

In these trying times for those involved in preparing budgets, we would like to have your feedback on what the decision makers should consider in determining what stays or goes in the budgets. Make no mistake; there will have to be some budget items that are “CUT”.

How would you prioritize the various items in the government budgets? Should library expenditures be cut and used for items like roads and/or fire protection? These are some of the hard decisions that will most likely be debated during budget preparation.

We look forward to your comments.

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

New Hampshire Primary Results: Importance?

Another State primary behind us and Florida is getting closer! The New Hampshire results are in and the winners are:

REPUBLICAN: John McCain 37%; Mitt Romney 32%; Mike Huckabee 11%.

DEMOCRAT: Hillary Clinton 39%; Barack Obama 37%; ; John Edwards 17%.

Here’s a link to a recent interesting article comparing Obama and McCain:


Some questions to get you commments going:

Are you surprised by the New Hampshire results? What is the impact of these two wins on the race for the Democrat and Republican nominations? Which of the two winners might best represent the "politically homeless"? Let’s hear from you.

Friday, January 04, 2008

Iowa Caucus Results: How Important?

Had breakfast this morning with some folks who are convinced the Iowa caucuses have defined the finalists for the 2008 Presidential Election. They feel a Mike Huckabee (R) and Barack Obama (D) matchup is inevitable. Even a few media outlets seem to be of that opinion.

What do you think? Do the Iowa caucuses mean anything to you and how you will vote in Florida on January 29?