Politically Homeless

This blog is created as a forum for the increasingly large number of voters in Marion County, Florida who consider themselves to be "Politically Homeless". We are individuals who are frustrated with political parties and discouraged by "politics as usual". Many of us have no registered party affiliation. Others stay registered with a party only to vote in primaries, but no longer identify with the party's current political direction. We encourage you to post your comments.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

For Sale: E-One

Remember last year when some of our “brilliant” politicians were ready to sign off giving away multi-millions of taxpayer dollars to E-One? Well, surprise, surprise E-One is proving to be the “distressed company” a small number of politicians and several local citizens who opposed the giveaway of money said it was!

Today it was reported that E-One’s parent company, Federal Signal, is exploring strategic options for relieving itself of a financial burden. Click the link below:


There will likely be more detail tomorrow and in the days to follow. Who knows what may happen to E-One or its employees in the future. Maybe new ownership will be good and maybe not.

What is your take on the E-One situation?

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Nader Enters Presidential Race!

Fox News has announced that Ralph Nader is launching a third-party campaign for president.

The consumer advocate made the announcement today on NBC’s “Meet the Press.” He says most Americans are disenchanted with the Democratic and Republican parties, and that none of the presidential contenders are addressing ways to stem corporate crime and Pentagon waste and promote labor rights.

Nader also ran as a third-party candidate in the 2000 and 2004 presidential elections. He is still hated by many Democrats who call him a spoiler and claim his candidacy in 2000 cost the party the election by siphoning votes away from Al Gore in a razor-thin contest in Florida.

Tell us:

Is this a good move and how will it help/hurt the Democrat and Republican candidates?

Thursday, February 21, 2008

McCain vs. NYT: Truth or "Hit Job"?

The New York Times ran a lengthy article implying that eight years ago John McCain had an “inappropriate relationship” with a female lobbyist. Here is the article:


Much discussion is taking place about this article; including criticism of the NYT by even some of the most liberal media sources. Some feel there is more “beef” to come on this story. Others feel the article is just another NYT liberal, journalistic “hit job” on a Republican.

An interesting point: How could the NYT have endorsed John McCain just a few weeks ago with the knowledge of this developing story? Very strange!

Tell us what impact this news story has on your opinion of journalistic professionalism and/or John McCain.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

City Golf Courses: A Financial Burden?

There has been much discussion over the past 15-18 months about the future of the two City Golf Courses (i.e., Ocala Municipal and Pine Oaks). Consultants have given city council recommendations and the public has weighed in on the issue. The golf program is losing an estimated $383,000 a year and no end is in sight. An editorial in the Star-Banner outlines some of the alternatives to be considered and decisions that need to be made:


What do you think? Are golf courses something the City of Ocala should continue to financially support? Are there other alternatives to solving the golf course funding problems?

Let’s hear from you.

Obama Mania! Will It Last?

The Obama train seems to be on track in beating Hillary Clinton to the nomination station. Pundits are offering comments, pro and con, about Barack Obama’s almost super-star popularity. Some call it cult-like and others compare him to President Kennedy. Whichever side of the argument you are on, Obama has the media’s attention and is the current “political darling”. Click on the link to a recent article about the Obama phenomenon:


Will this popularity last or will the media turn on Obama? Is Hillary Clinton’s campaign pretty much “dead in the water”? How do the Republicans contend with the Obama machine?

Just a few questions to get the discussion started.

Friday, February 08, 2008

Open Thread: What Are You Thinking?

{This thread is "Closed". Use the new thread posted on March 2.}

Looks like there is not much interest in the aftermath of Super Tuesday. So, we will start a new thread to let you open up the discussions.

Fire away, it’s your thread!

NOTE: We received e-mails asking how to sign postings with a blogger name without going through the complicated “registration” process. Our blog server has revised its procedures and that has left some bloggers signing in as “Anonymous” instead of using their name. This is what you need to do to include your name with a comment you post:

(a) type in your comment, (b) fill in the “Word Verification” letters—an anti-spamming step, (c) click on the dot "Name”, and then type in the section Name whatever name you want to use (your actual name or some creative blogger name). (d) Ignore filling in the section below Name asking for the URL—this is not needed. (e) Click “Publish Your Comment” and within seconds, your comment will be posted to the blog thread.

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Your Thoughts On Super Tuesday?

With results flowing in, we are opening up a thread for discussion of the primary and caucus results in the several states where they are being held.

We’ll let you control the input and discussion on today’s voting results. Some of you “insomniac bloggers” will likely be up into the wee hours of the morning, so we are going to depend on you to keep us in the loop on any late happenings.

Look forward to your analysis, opinions and comments about Super Tuesday!

If Super Tuesday doesn’t strike a chord with you, weigh in on some of our other blog topics below.

Friday, February 01, 2008

Tax Cuts or Tax Increases?

With Florida mired in its worst revenue slump in decades, Gov. Charlie Crist has proposed a $70 billion state budget that relies heavily on reserves and gambling money to pay for services next year. Increases in local school taxes may also be required in some counties.

Click here for more details:


Florida House Budget and Policy Council Chairman Ray Sansom is not a fan of much of what the Governor has proposed. Here is what Sansom had to say:

“This is going to be a very challenging budget year. With current estimates showing a $2 billion shortfall in upcoming years, the House believes that thoughtful spending reductions would best serve Florida long-term, not tax increases, accounting transfers, or a new reliance on one-time or stagnant revenue sources.

We have also committed to not borrow or bond ourselves out of this situation because we refuse to take the easy way out and pass these tough decisions onto future state leaders. And while optimistic about our state’s future, we believe that we should continue the practice of maintaining the state’s reserves, because it is fiscally prudent to be prepared in case of hurricanes or other emergencies.”

Are taxpayers about to become the victims of "political hocus pocus" and an Amendment 1 shell game to avoid serious budget cutting? Give us your thoughts.

Just a little something for us to chew on until Super Tuesday!