Politically Homeless

This blog is created as a forum for the increasingly large number of voters in Marion County, Florida who consider themselves to be "Politically Homeless". We are individuals who are frustrated with political parties and discouraged by "politics as usual". Many of us have no registered party affiliation. Others stay registered with a party only to vote in primaries, but no longer identify with the party's current political direction. We encourage you to post your comments.

Sunday, March 02, 2008

Open Thread: Fire Away!

{This thread is "Closed". Use the new thread posted on March 24.}

Here’s space to start some new discussion topics.

Also, we haven’t conducted a Straw Poll in awhile. So, let’s see how you are currently feeling about the Presidential candidates. Click on the link below and vote on the Clinton vs. McCain and the Obama vs. McCain choices:


(NOTE: We will close the Straw Poll at 8:30 PM on March 6. If you haven’t voted, please click on the link above and vote.)


At 8:32 PM, March 02, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A guy really ripped Jim Payton a new one in the paper today. He said Payton is way off in trying to get another prison built in Marion County. Gave some pretty good reasons it’s a bad idea.

At 10:04 PM, March 02, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What’s wrong with a prison here next to the one we’ve got already? More jobs are more jobs and we need ‘em.

At 11:06 PM, March 02, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Voice of Reason says . . . .

Crime is entertainment in the US.

Look at the TV. There is a channel called TruTV that used to be Court TV. It is 100% coverage of crime. There are also a few shows hosted by women like Greta Van whatever and Nancy Grace. These shows are fixated on the latest college girl who has been abducted or murdered. You also have that Chris Hansen "To Catch a Predator" guy who, if he wanted to, could have a 24 hour network that has nothing but a constant stream of child molesters arriving at his sting house.

Look at the shows like Cold Case Files that are 1 hour documentaries of crimes. There are several of this type. 48 Hours is one too.

Next come the fiction shows like CSI that are based upon real crimes. These fiction shows (which get their stories from real cop files) are splattered all over prime time.

Then you must factor in the local and national TV news shows that report on one gruesome crime after another. How many hour a week are these shows talking about or presenting crimes? Once in a while the news will mix it up for a few seconds by telling you about fires in California, a tsunami in Indonesia or the Space Shuttle launching into space.

Don't forget the specials on the prisons where you get to look at some smelly guy with ugly tattoos all over.

Which leads me to my point which is prisons. I would be for Marion having another prison if it were a stockade fence full of tents (i.e. Andersonville). Then, make the guys go out an clean up the garbage all over the County. That will have a two-fold benefit: it will clean up the county and will also get the illegal aliens off of the FDOT payroll. Make the prisoners pick up every cigarette butt that some slob has flicked from his driver's window. Make them corral every Burger King bag that has been flung from '77 Ford Fairlanes with smelly exhaust pipes. Give the arrogant jerks a paint brush and make them paint the City Auditorium.

And don't let the prisoners eat all of the fresh vegetables and good meat from the Sheriff's work farm. Give that good food to veterans. Make the prisoners eat mechanically separated chicken nuggets like in the school lunches.


At 11:25 PM, March 02, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Until the education level in our county is improved, jobs like those in a new prison are about all there is to offer.

At 7:49 AM, March 03, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Voice---Florida could use more prisons like the one the Maricopa County (Arizona) Sheriff runs.

At 8:08 AM, March 03, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

March 2 (Bloomberg) -- Governor Charlie Crist said he'd support a repeat of the Democratic presidential primary so the state's delegates can be counted at the party's national convention.

Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean said he's open to the possibility. Primary elections are paid for by a state's taxpayers, so the offer from Crist, a Republican, is very helpful because money is an issue, Dean said.

A good idea or a dumb one? Who pays for the election—us taxpayers?

At 9:05 AM, March 03, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Voice of Reason says . . . .

Yes Belleview Critic, I forgot to mention that Maricopa Co. Sheriff. My post was actually inspired by the Arizona tent camps.

I drove by one of those camps in Arizona. It was about 110 degrees out. The tents are in the middle of the desert.

The message that was conveyed to the prisoners in the tents was that jail/prison is a temporary home. I can't see those prisoners getting comfortable in those conditions. The criminals wanted to get out of that temporary housing.

Modern prisons are just a housing option for criminals. In fact, families and friends will say that "he is RESIDING at Marion Correctional or Sumter Federal." They say this not out of embarrassment or trying to hide the fact that the guy/girl is in jail. They just say it as a matter of fact. It is the same to them whether he "resides" at Marion Correctional or Carlton Arms.

Sadly too, it is a badge of honor to many of our youth.

A good start is a tent camp instead of these outrageously expensive prisons. I can't see Dean going for something like that though, it takes money out of the budget. (Not picking on Dean, any Republican in town would be the same way).


At 10:14 AM, March 03, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let the Democrats pay for their own election do over. Obama and Clinton have the money.

At 12:27 PM, March 03, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is our economy as bad is we are being told, or should we have the optimism of our Governor? Take a look at the linked article (skip the ad/welcome screen that appears). Basically, it gives four wrong reasons for being pessimistic about our economy.


At 5:29 PM, March 03, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stan, if you are saying we should be positive about the economy or if you are trying to get blogger discussion on the economy, here goes.

My views on the economy are well known to bloggers going back to last summer when I forecast everything except the world was coming to an end. I have been right on the money as far as the economy being in very bad shape.

Every day brings news verifying my forecasts.

Today, The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation announced they were hiring 40% more hard nosed auditors for their Resolutions/Receivership division.

Last Friday Bernacke flip floped and said there would be bank failures after saying two weeks before that there would be no bank failures.

The number of banks on the list of potential failures is a lot less than 2002 because the FDIC has
been more vigilent.

I forecast intervention of some kind will be needed for one Marion County Bank which you will find on the list with 5 other Florida Banks.The SPTimes had a link awhile back that you can probaly still use to get this information.

If the above information isn't a sign of bad things to come, I don't know what is.

Clayton Ellsworth

At 7:29 PM, March 03, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blogmaster, could you post the link Clayton is referring to about troubled banks?

At 9:34 PM, March 03, 2008, Blogger st. pete said...

I completed your poll. My vote was easy. Who do I want in the hot seat opposite Russia's Putin, Iran's Ahmadinejad, Venezuela's Hugo Chavez or Cuba's Raul Castro? That wouldn’t be Clinton or Obama.

At 10:21 AM, March 04, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

For Bank Ratings go to Bauer Financial Incorperated Web Site.

Banks are rated 5 * for the best 0* for a bank in receivership.

You can review all the bank ratings by state as I did or just search for the specific bank [ leave of "the" ]

Remember your accounts are guarenteed up to $100,000 seperately or $200,000 jointly in each bank you depostit in. IRA's insured up to $250,000.

Clayton Ellsworth

At 10:31 AM, March 04, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

For Clarity :WWW.bauerfinancial.com

Click on Bank Star Ratings

Clayton Ellsworth

At 11:55 AM, March 04, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ron McAndrew knows not of what he speaks. He is angry because he has no base in Dunnellon any more. Hope Payton can pull this off. It's better than WalMart. Maybe we can build a bunch next door to all of the WalMarts -- except the one in my neighborhood.

At 3:36 PM, March 04, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting. Ocala National Bank is classified as two stars--that means "problematic" in describing their financial situation.

At 7:13 PM, March 04, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had a chance to see a presentation about the work of the Florida Institute For Human & Machine Cognition (IHMC). This company is in the midst of finalizing establishment of an operation in Ocala---at the site of the old downtown library. It is quite an impressive organization. The projects being pursued in helping disabled veterans are amazing! Go to the website and check out IHMC.


Marion County needs to attract more of this type organization: high-paid workforce, “clean” work environment, low impact on government infrastructure, good impact on government property tax receipts, etc. Sure beats prisons and Wal Marts!

Two big problems in getting talented employees to relocate to Ocala and staff IHMC-type organizations: (1) housing affordability and (2) quality of our education system. Have we heard those before? Similar problems to those faced in solving our local shortage of medical doctors.

At 7:35 PM, March 04, 2008, Blogger Blog Master said...


Here is a summary of the Governor’s speech just provided by his office:

Good evening. Mr. President, Mr. Speaker, Lt. Governor, Mr. Chief Justice and members of the court, members of the Cabinet, the Legislature, honored guests, and my fellow Floridians across our state. Good evening to you all.

I also want to recognize my family seated in the gallery, my mother, my father, my sisters and their families. Thank you for your support. I love you very much.

I want to thank Sergeant Allison Jean Justice from Jacksonville for her service to the American people. Whether serving in Iraq, Afghanistan or other places around the world, the members of the Florida National Guard and our Armed Forces are protecting our freedoms in distant places. General Burnett, good to see you. And Representative Mike Scionti, Captain Scionti – welcome home.

It is good to be here with all of you this evening.

In many ways, tonight marks a new beginning. We begin a new tradition of speaking to our fellow Floridians at a time of day when every Floridian can explore the opportunities and challenges that lie before us. So, tonight we open another window into the workings of their government. For the Floridians listening to this address for the first time – a special welcome.

Thank you, President Ken Pruitt and Speaker Marco Rubio for your great work. Because of your leadership and the tireless work of the people in this chamber, and the work I know that you will continue to do, tonight my friends I can report to you that the state of our state is indeed strong.

A year ago I stood here before you as Florida’s new Governor. Together, we have faced many challenges – from spiraling property taxes and insurance rates, to devastating tornadoes that claimed 21 lives. And together we have taken on these challenges.

Florida’s families and business are faced with extraordinary economic times – sky rocketing gas prices, the threat of foreclosure and a softening housing market. And, like Florida’s families, these challenging times will require us to meet the demands of declining revenues.

And how will we do this?

By keeping taxes low, creating jobs, and fueling an economy that ranks ahead of most nations of the world, we set a model at which others can marvel.

Pessimists see problems, while optimists see opportunities. You know I am an optimist, but no matter the perspective, we can dare to be great.

At 8:30 PM, March 04, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speech? What a waste of blog space!

At 8:58 PM, March 04, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gun Nutt says...

I'm glad to see that the RNC is raising money again. I guess getting rid of Martinez as the chair was a good move. I think Martinez was simply an affirmative action choice. He kind of makes me think of a Republican version of Obama. He was a local politician in Orlando. Bush wanted to impress his friends (the hispanics) so he appointed him as Sec. of HUD when he could have picked any number of republicans with more accomplishments like McCollum. Martinez did nothing as Secretary of HUD, he has been harmful as a Senator, and was ineffective as chair of the RNC.

Actually Bush has been horrible at picking people for jobs. It makes me think of in school when we would pick teams for dodge ball. Bush would be the guy who picked the fat kid with the knee brace first then next he would have picked the nerd with noodle arms and coke bottle glasses. Finally he would have picked the girl who looked like big bird and volunteered as a library aid.

At 10:15 PM, March 04, 2008, Blogger lost our way said...

I listened to the two Democrats who gave the rebuttal to Crist’s speech. Honestly, hate to say it but they made more sense than the Governor.

At 11:37 PM, March 04, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Voice of Reason says . . .

Gunn Nutt is right, Bush fancied himself as having Reagan's eye for talent. He preached that he would oversee a great delegation of appointed men and women of superior competence. Ends up he has no insight for talent. His cabinet is dismal. What about his first choice for Supreme Court also, Hariett Meyers???

Getting to more important local things though, one thing that must happen in November is the defeat of State Attorney Brad King. Look at the record of that inept boob. What a joke of a prosecutor.

Look at the botched cases: The recent drunk driving case where two nurses were tragically killed, the inexcusable handling of the little girl Lunsford case, and the embarrassment of the blond teacher sex with a student case. And these are just the higher profile cases. King's office is absolutely unable to prosecute any important case yet it piddles-away the public treasury, time and trust on chicken shit issues.

There must be accountability for that office in November. Get him out of there.


At 8:14 AM, March 05, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Of the banks listed in Ocala by Bauer Financial, it seems that Ocala National has the worst rating.

These are some Ocala banks with four star ratings--“Excellent” financial condition:

Alarion, Central Florida State Bank, Community Bank & Trust, Independent National.

Mr. Ellsworth, thanks for providing the Bauer source.

At 10:43 AM, March 05, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous :

You are welcome.

Did you notice that there are only two other 2 stars in the state, one in Sanford, and one on Marco Island.

There is only one, 1 star bank in Florida and that is in Naples

You can assume that the 1 star bank in Naples will soon be a 0, in receivership like Coast Bank in Bradenton.

Clayton Ellsworth

At 11:35 AM, March 05, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

V o R--Brad King will be unopposed. Better get used to having him around. What qualified and competent attorney would want to be State Attorney? We get the incompetence we pay for and Marion County is not alone.

At 3:13 PM, March 05, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stan has visited IHMC and suggests that we need more newcomers to the community like IHMS.

I agree with Stan. I disagree with his statement that this "sure beats prisons and Walmarts"

The last 3 weeks I have visited about 125 companies in Marion County from all sectors of our local economy. I trapsed through industrial parks. office buildings, medical complexes, all in an effort to feed the beast. I can assure you it was slim pickings.

I have been in the market place since 1958 and have weathered all the economic storms, as an independant contractor on straight commission, coming out ahead each time. Maybe because I am older and more conservative, this melt down looks like the worst.

I saw empty buildings in the industrial parks where tenants have gone out of business, I talked to companies that have been reduced to a few employees from as many as 75.I talked to an award winning company that has had to drop their employee benefits including those of the officers.
I talked to a HVAC company owner who hasn't payed himself in weeks and has twenty trucks sitting idle, likewise an electrical contracter with over 40 vehicles standing idle, most now uninsured.

It is bad out there, really bad.

While we need more IHMS's, the critical need is for new employment that does not need a lot of retraining or more schooling and that canhire our unemployed.

WE need a large new correctional facility where the skill levels of the majority of our unemployed can be easily absorbed.Employees here will be offered basic benefits that will keep them able to pay there way in our heath care system.
[ Stan, think about the 3 million dollar hit Munroe takes each month]

Wages, while not high,will be welcomed by those who don't want to leave the area for work.They will be able to feed their families.

To the benefit of the area, at least 8 times the payroll will trickle down in to the local economy offsetting a huge negative.

Correctional facilities are a stable employer whichwill build aneeded cushion under our economy.
Rule number one in economic developement,is that you develope from within first. Rule number two is you develope to the skills of the available labor pool.

Lets not forget the basics of community building.

Clayton Ellsworth

At 6:30 PM, March 05, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Me thinks the City got hosed on the sale of the library to IHMC. $700,000!

At 9:27 PM, March 05, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

In today's real estate situation, it's probably a good deal by the city council.

At 11:59 PM, March 05, 2008, Blogger brian creekbaum said...

I’m glad to see serious talk about Michigan and Florida holding “do over” primaries.

It would be a terrible message for the Democrats to select a nominee in a close contest while ignoring these two large states. Yet, it would also be a terrible message to throw a close contest in one direction by changing the rules midstream after candidates and voters in these two states were told these early primaries would not count and one of the major candidates wasn’t even on the ballot in one of the states.

If Florida and Michigan hold “do over” primaries near the end, in addition to the pure delegate math, ironically, they will likely have a significant psychological effect on the process because their results will be freshest in people’s minds when the primaries have ended and the superdelegates are making decisions. Ironically, two states punished for trying to become more influential by going early, may end up being more influential by going last or close to it.

I couldn’t vote in it since I’m an NPA, but I say to the Democrats they should let Clinton and Obama come down here and duke it out fair and square in the summer heat. It would get enormous attention and give Florida enormous influence in the process.

At 8:50 AM, March 06, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This morning's Star Banner relates a good news story about the local economy.

It seems that the Economic Developement Corperation [ remember the E-1 fiasco] took a survey of 77 busineses who have 20,000 employees to determine how they felt about the economy.

A whoping 51 respondents said they planned to do more business this year. 19 respondents expected the year to be flat, 7 said they would do less business.

Wow, I must really be wrong about our economy.I hang my head in shame.

Lets take nother look at this "survey " which is hardly a representative sampling of businesses in the county.Companys that EDC surveyed averaged 260 employees, not exactly mom and pop size nor the typical size of businesses I have talked to that seem to be in the majority in Marion County.

If the EDC wants to think that the local economy is positive [ in spite of the desire to sell by E-one, their lapdog], that's ok with me.This mindless spin and tarnished survey just underscores the ineptness of EDC.

If the Star Banner wants a "feel good story " to help offset the bad local economic news that they have recently covered, that's OK with me also.

As far as the unemployed are concerned,they should be reassured that EDC has little clout left after their efforts to "rescue" E-

Last time I looked at their Web Site EDC was tauting the fact they saved 2000 jobs by embracing E-1. A bit of a stretch, wouldn't you say ?

I wonder if E-One and Federal Signal were surveyed, I know mom and pop weren't.

Clayton Ellsworth

At 9:53 AM, March 06, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Always enjoy your perspective.

With that being said, the "re-do" primary here in FL gives me a little heartburn. That simple little thing called "taxpayers". Not sure of the exact cost but I imagine it aint cheap.

Also, I thought we had a republican governor. He sure seems willing to let the dems have another crack at it. Not to mention evety time you see McCain on TV our gov is standing right behind him. Shouldnt Charlie be staying here and working.

At 9:59 AM, March 06, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Voice of Reason says . . . .

Something really smells fishy with Crist and this election redeux.

I will vote for McCain and support him any way I can, but what kind of retarded move was it meet with Bush right after securing the nomination? He should have gone to some group like the vets and pandered. Instead, he associates with Bush and brown-noses for money.

As to the local races, I looks like the school board races are heating up. With the economy that way it is, that government paycheck is enticing more and more candidates. At least we have some choice though.

As to Clayton's economy, maybe the lack of jobs will convince more moms to stay home and raise healthy kids. I see that as a good thing.


At 10:49 AM, March 06, 2008, Blogger Blog Master said...

Summary of an article in yesterday's Herald Tribune about a re-do of the Florida Democrat primary. This also seems to capture the point of view of several national news sources:

"Because of the cost of running new elections, officials in both Michigan and Florida are increasingly unlikely to hold do-over elections.

Though some national commentators are talking up the idea, Gov. Charlie Crist and Florida House Speaker Marco Rubio, both Republicans, made it clear today that they won’t support using state tax dollars to pay for another election for Democrats. In Michigan, a spokeswoman for Gov. Jennifer Granholm said they want a resolution to their delegate problem too, but are also unlikely to spend the nearly $10 million that would be needed to run a special election.

A statewide special election in Florida could cost as much as $20 million.

Crist and Granholm released a joint statement on Wednesday, calling for state and national Democrats to make sure both states have their delegates restored.

Florida and Michigan Democrats had their delegates stripped because they held their primary elections in January, breaking national party rules.

Florida Democratic Party chairwoman Karen Thurman said in a statement to the media tonight that there have been discussions with the national party about the prospects of another election, but those talks have been unable to meet three key requirements: maximum voter participation, minimal cost and support from both major Democratic candidates."

At 11:15 AM, March 06, 2008, Blogger Blog Master said...

We forgot to mention: there is also one other option on the table that could result in a court order to accept the Michigan and Florida primary results.

Tampa political consultant Victor DiMaio's has an active lawsuit against the Democatic National Committee's sanctions against Florida for its early primary. The case is being heard in the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. The court will hear oral arguments in the case on March 17 in Atlanta.

At 3:02 PM, March 06, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Michigan is considering caucuses. Much easier to pay for and organize at the last minute. Maybe Florida should do the same thing.

Another good reason for a re-do is that if Florida holds another Democratic vote between May 1 and June 10 National party rules award 30 percent extra delegates to states that hold out to the end of the primary season.

At 4:44 PM, March 06, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good info about the local banks. I just switched all my banking to Alarion a few weeks ago. They looked pretty good in the ratings.

At 7:40 PM, March 06, 2008, Blogger Blog Master said...

If you would like a summary copy of the “EDC Survey” that Clayton Ellsworth was quoting from, just e-mail us and we will forward you one we received from another blogger.


Or Click on "E-mail Us" on the home page to send.

At 7:57 PM, March 06, 2008, Blogger brian creekbaum said...

"The Blogmaster" said:

"Florida and Michigan Democrats had their delegates stripped because they held their primary elections in January, breaking national party rules."

Is that true? I haven't researched it but it was my impression that the Republican-dominated state government, not Democrats, held the Florida presidential preference primary and fixed the date for it.

At 9:19 PM, March 06, 2008, Blogger Blog Master said...

Mr. Creekbaum,

The Blog Master didn't say that, the Herald Tribune did.

You might want to check on how many Democrats voted for and even (co)sponsored the bill to change the Florida primary date.

P.S. to "All Bloggers": We'll have a summary of the polling results in the AM.

At 10:07 PM, March 06, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love how civil these Democrat contenders/pretenders and their supporters are to one another. Go to the Huffington blog and see how nice the liberal Democrats are being to each other. Beginning to look like a bunch of right wing Republicans. We ain’t seen nothing yet. Wait until Hill turns the dogs loose on Obama. I love it!!!

At 11:28 PM, March 06, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

No voting again. Both parties knew the rules and should stand by them. The candidates knew the Florida and Michigan delegates were not going to count. It's wrong to change the rules in the middle of the game and taxpayers should not have to pay for another election. Let George Soros or the other big tycoons pay for it.

At 11:36 PM, March 06, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A question right in Voice of Reasons territory.

Why are some of the Irish Pubs not allowing the song Danny Boy to be played on St. Patricks Day?

At 9:47 AM, March 07, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

From the "What Were They Thinking"

Economists [ you know the guys that are always wrong about the economy ], projected a increase in employment for February to be around 20 thousand jobs.

Well, wrong again, there was a decrease of 63 thousand jobs. That's a mistake of 80,000 jobs which will probaly be revised again to show fewer jobs created as was the case with January.

As George Meany famously said, economists get paid whether they are correct or not. Or,words to that effect. as Harry Truman said "I would like to hear from a one armed economist so I won't hear, on the other hand Mr. President "

Clayton Ellsworth

At 10:09 AM, March 07, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Voice of Reason says . . . .

Night Owl, please give me a little more background about the Danny Boy and the Irish Pubs. I will then be glad to give insightful commentary.

I look forward to St. Patrick's day. It's a good holiday.


At 10:20 AM, March 07, 2008, Blogger Blog Master said...


Here are the final results (67 participants):

McCain 62%
Obama 38%

Clinton 42%
McCain 58%

At 12:00 PM, March 07, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...


McCain is going to get beaten and badly whether its Clinton or Obama. If they run together it will be even worse on him.

At 12:24 PM, March 07, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Survey USA Robo Poll-Florida, 2/26-2/28:

Clinton 51, McCain 42; McCain 47, Obama 45.

At 3:06 PM, March 07, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Florida Democrats may be considering a vote by mail re-do of the primary...suggested by Gov. Crist.

At 6:35 PM, March 07, 2008, Blogger st. pete said...

Another idea from our legislative braintrust in Tallahassee! Pass a law that says any party that doesn't seat Florida's delegates doesn't get to have their nominee on the ballot in November. Yes, it is being considered.

Does the word unconstitutional ring a bell?

At 7:08 PM, March 07, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jimmy Walton, Republican, has withdrawn from the County
Commission District One race. He said he is abandoning the campaign to concentrate on his family business.

Leaves Mike Amsden as the lone Repub. in the race. Although, rumors have it that School Board member Sue Mosley, also a Repub. will soon enter. Some recent polls show her as the winner.

At 7:27 PM, March 07, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sue will be a good Commissioner.

At 7:30 PM, March 07, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

she sure wont run as a good catholic girl this time after breaking up another woman's home and hr shennigans in bars.

At 8:10 PM, March 07, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Of coarse she will run with her good catholic girl approach. She hosed everyone the first time around. Why not use what works? She sure fooled most of the bloggers here.

At 8:29 PM, March 07, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

7:30 & 8:10

You don't know what you're talking about. Probably a couple of the fellows, or their supporters, Sue beat in the last campaign. Hard for you guys to get your egos briused by a woman. Maybe you both should get some counseling to handle the defeat syndrome you have. Keep up the personal attacks. They didn't work last time and they won;t this tiem either.

At 9:23 PM, March 07, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why are you people even wasting your time talking about Mosley or Amsden. They are both going to be dead in the water as soon as Andy Kesselring announces he is not going to run for State Representative against Kelly and will run again for his County Commmision seat. He will win easily against either, or both, Mosley and Amsden. End of the political story here.

At 10:08 PM, March 07, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 11:26 PM, March 07, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Danny Boy song is being banned in pubs because it’s not actually Irish—it’s British. Didn’t intend to confuse you Voice of Reason. Do you have a favorite local pub?

At 8:14 AM, March 08, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The more I hear from Obama and his wife, the more they are beginning to sound like a black version of John Kerry and his wife.

At 8:33 AM, March 08, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heard that Diane Butler, Democrat, is also pulling out of District #1 Commissioner contest.

At 9:03 AM, March 08, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Voice of Reason says . . .

There is always confusion between Ireland, Scotland and Great Britain. It is similar with Scandinavia where people think that the Swedish Bikini Team are skiers when the only good skiing in Scandinavia is in Norway.

There is a great song that tells the story of a young WWII vet Willie McBride called, "Green Fields of France." It was written by a Scot yet is mistakenly called an Irish song. You can hear the song on youtube at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZrQnnZJ68Xo

I thought that maybe the NAACP was trying to get "Danny Boy" banned from St. Patrick's day because the word "Boy" was offensive to Blacks and created a hostile and insensitive environment at St. Patrick's Day parades and celebrations.

As for me, even though I'm not Irish I like to go to big St. Patrick's Day celebrations like In Savanna or Orlando. Orlando has a great new Irish Pub near Disney that is staffed by real Irish.

Locally, I think it is called Tin Cup on the square. Very nice. Very good atmosphere there sometimes. I don't like the chains in general: Bennigans, etc. I got a Monte Cristo sandwich there once that had more oil than the Arabs.

In honor of St. Patrick's Day, for the next few days I will make limericks for your entertainment and education:

There once was a man named Clayton.

His economy was always achin'.

County Commission he thought were stinking.

He would say "what were they thinking?"

Maybe someday he'll win the seat of Jim Payton.


At 9:45 AM, March 08, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Voice of Reason says . . .

Slight correction, the Willie McBride song was about WWI.

There once was a Creekbaum named Brian.

If I told you his views, you'd say I was lyin'

It gives the man fits,

No one cares about diversity rallies at the Ritz.

An' his books at the library no one's a-eyein'.


At 10:09 AM, March 08, 2008, Blogger Blog Master said...

Governor Charlie Crist is getting much criticism from members of his own Party and the Democrats for his “missing in action” approach to governing our State. His speech at the opening of the 2008 legislative session also indicated he must not be living in the same State as the rest of us. The Bradenton Herald offers a good article that pretty well sums up the situation:


At 10:11 AM, March 08, 2008, Blogger Blog Master said...

P.S. To Voice: Love your poetry!

At 10:29 AM, March 08, 2008, Blogger Blog Master said...

Voice: Sorry, someone just e-mailed to correct me that there is a difference between limericks and poetry. I love your limericks!

Boy, you can't make a mistake on the blog without someone getting on your case.

At 11:08 AM, March 08, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Walton is a smart man. Better to walk away than to be blown away in the election.

At 11:38 AM, March 08, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That EDC survey had a good comment about local problems from one of the people completing the survey.

With an average salary of about $31,000 in the County, the median home price is at $144,000. It should be at about $111,000 [or 23% less than it is].

At 3:47 PM, March 08, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Funny that someone brings up Mosley in Bars when Amsden and his wife were always a permanant fictures in his Buddy Carrasco's fiasco on the downtown square. Mike's home away from home!

At 4:45 PM, March 08, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

to anonymous 3:47 don;t foreget to mention mike amsdens passion for strippers as well.oh yea and how his lovely wife likes to watch

At 5:38 PM, March 08, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

At least amsden is still married to his wife and hasn't been messing around with other wife's husbands. tghe good catholic approach aint gonna work this time round. and she aint been doing anything at schoool this time around. she's just drawing her moneyand not even trying.

At 6:10 PM, March 08, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whoa, this is beginning to sound more like a cat fight between a bunch of Democrats!!

At 12:17 PM, March 09, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wish Walton had stayed on. He would be a great Commish.

At 5:23 PM, March 09, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tomorrow there will be a new Republican in the race! Not a good ole' boy or a has been, but some new blood!

At 6:51 PM, March 09, 2008, Blogger lost our way said...

The Bradenton paper has it right on Charlie Crist. He has passed off a big budget problem to the Florida House and Senate. That’s one way he won’t have to worry about his favorable ratings going down by taking a tough stand on the budget and upsetting those who adore him. I think many of us are starting to see through what he’s doing. Tough times need tough leaders and we aren’t getting it right now from our governor.

At 9:08 PM, March 09, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

5:23: The more the merrier! Where are the new democrats? D. Butler is getting old.

At 12:33 AM, March 10, 2008, Blogger brian creekbaum said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 12:36 AM, March 10, 2008, Blogger brian creekbaum said...

I heard reports over the weekend that the state parties could raise soft money to pay for “re do” Democratic primaries in Florida and Michigan, meaning that relatively few wealthy contributors could fund some democracy along these lines. It was also asserted that a lot of money for this could be raised through the internet. If true, then the main barrier to “re do” primaries may not be money but rather concern on Obama’s part that he will lose fair primaries in these two states.

At 8:06 AM, March 10, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

As stated on another column, Al Sharpton will help protect Obama in Florida.

At 12:30 PM, March 10, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Re-do, schmee-do!

The real story is the Democrat Party in Florida.

NBC's Chuck Todd suggested this weekend on the Russert show: "There may not be a worse state party in the country, by the way, then the Democrats down in Florida."

At 1:36 PM, March 10, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Voice of Reason says . . .

There was a man named P-W-F

His ears were a-goin' deaf

He couldn't hear Bobby James

Promise at football games

More money for African refs!


At 7:15 PM, March 10, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where was the big announcement on the new Republican who was going to announce for Commissioner today?

At 12:10 AM, March 11, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is this thing about blaming a women for sleeping with someone elses husband. Typical male macho crap. The married man sleeps around and doesnt get cruxified but the unmarried women does. Maybe thats why Marion County is #1 in wife beating in the state. Who is this guy thats sleeping around on his wife, isnt he the bad guy. But it figures, another political attack against a women instead of taking down the man cheating on his wife. Where were you when the wife of this guy needed your help. You guys sat by while this guy was sleeping around on his wife and now you want to blame the other women. I am glad your not my friends.

At 12:56 AM, March 11, 2008, Blogger brian creekbaum said...

I don’t know when he got in, but the Supervisor of Elections website reports that Republican Emerson Clauss is running for the county commission. I haven’t seen that mentioned here previously. The website has conflicting information about which seat he’s running for.

At 8:15 AM, March 11, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Emerson Clauss is running in the dist. 1 seat as a Rep. he is a strong fiscal Conservative and a bit of enviormentalist! He recently exposed the fraud going on at the County Building Dept.

At 10:23 AM, March 11, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Emerson Clauss is a good guy. I served on a county parks advisory committee (PELAAC) with him a few years ago. He’s reasonable, thoughtful and will be a good addition to the group competing for District 1 Commissioner. The thorny crown he wears is that he’s a home builder. Although, Emerson was a leader of the “Save Horseshoe Lake Park” movement when a county commissioner wanted to sell it and turn it over to developers.

At 12:02 PM, March 11, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

the gas still wnts miore of a political career but her beau knows his career is over cause hes been such an ass . didn't knows i was supposed to referee man or woman screwing around.

At 5:15 PM, March 11, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What fraud at the building Department ??

At 7:19 PM, March 11, 2008, Blogger victor v said...

Political Trivia: The Florida Bill that was passed causing the primary predicament for the Democrats was HB 537. Coincidentally, 537 just happens to be Bush’s winning margin in the Florida Presidential Election in 2000.

Only in Florida!

At 8:36 AM, March 12, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...


For the fourth time in a year, state economists conceeded that they had under estimated Florida's revenue shortfall.

But don't worry, this time it's only by a billion dollars.

"We will be just fine " Governor Christ said suggesting that a couple of billion dollars here or there was nothing when you are talking about a state budget of 70 billion dollars.

I would have chosen the illiteration of "a fart in the wind" but Charlie has to say nice things as long as he thinks John McCain might pick him for VP.

Then you have Ben Bernacke creating a 200 billion dollar slush fund out of thin air for the high rolling lenders stuck with mortgage backed securities . Now these risk takers can dump the bad paper they have on the fund so that they can issue more mortgage backed securities , which got them in trouble in the first place, and sell them so they can make more housing loans.

Yes, you read that correctly. Problem is this half baked plan is a drop in the bucket with at least a trillion dollars in mortgage backed securities existing that nobody can peddle.

Bernacke's latest slight of hand sent the stock market up over 400 points fooling the overseas markets overnight as well.[What were they thinking?]

A young male lunkhead in Dunnellon makes the news by asking a deputy to drive him to the home of his underaged girlfriend.

A prominent Bay area judge helps a friend out who just happens to be a stripper. The judge signs an apartment lease in New York city for his friend, just one of the many nice things he has done for her over the years. It's not clear where this judge gets the money for this kindness but I guess we shouldn't be concerned with that aspect of his life.

Governor Spitzer's wife wants him to stay in office even though she dislikes his being in public life.

As Don Imus was fond of saying "you just can't make this stuff up "

Clayton Ellsworth

At 9:56 AM, March 12, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Recently, in his much awaited annual report to Berkshire Hathaway share holders, Warren Buffet said that major corporations were lieing about their earnings by using very questionable and creative accounting standards. The stock market, which hangs on Warren Buffet's every last word just shrugged it's shoulders as if to say "can't be so " Warren.

When Jack Welch, former CEO of GE and wonderkind of all US CEO's wrote that he had "smoothed out" GE earnings, the market ignored Jack's admission with an "atta boy Jack, go get em Jack " response.

After all, Chief Financial Officers [CFO's], who utilized financial wizardry were in great demand as we learned in the Enron debacle.

For years I have wondered how multi billion dollar companies could predict to the penny how much they would earn each quarter, or for that matter, for the fiscal year.

Being the doubting Thomas that I am, I voiced this concern every chance I got. I questioned whether the average guy who bought stocks was playing on a level playing field.I insisted that the stock market was a roulette table rigged in favor of the house.

For a over a year and a half or more I have recommended getting out of the market while on top.

Greed has been keeping the market more or less whole. Greed has prevented investors to recognize the big market bubble that we are in.

Volatility like yesterday's upside of 413 points will continue to get worse with all the programed arbitrage.

Interference in the markets by Fed chairman Ben Bernacke to benefit wall street will only make the recession worse as well as the fact the market will take an even greater hit.

It's time to sell any and all stocks. There will be a time when you can accumulate stocks all over again dirt cheap, but not unless you have the cash.

At 10:12 AM, March 12, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bill No. 537 was part of the Bush conspiracy. by the way did you see the pol guru of NBC the other night when he said the Florida dem party is the nation's worst organized? so much for karen thurman

At 11:05 AM, March 12, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Voice of Reason says . . .

There's a lad named Randy Ewers

He seems like a goodie two shoe-er

He could tell ya' all day

What Carver's peanuts a-made

But he couldn't fix streets an' sewers!


At 7:33 AM, March 13, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

have yet to see anything ewers has done as mayor except try to get those millions in our money for eone. compared to other mayors, he is worst or at least next to worst.

At 10:31 AM, March 13, 2008, Blogger Blog Master said...

“St. Patrick’s Day Festival”

Don’t forget: Downtown Ocala Square; 5 to 10 PM on Saturday.

Assistant City Manager, Bill Looney, will kick off the event by serenading everyone with Johnny Cash’s “40 Shades of Green”.

We sent a letter to the City officials suggesting Voice of Reason offer a reading of his “Blog Limericks”. Haven’t yet heard a word back!!!

At 8:12 AM, March 14, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A newspaper that has it right about Charlie Crist. The Ft. Lauderdale Sun-Sentinel says it’s time for Crist to face reality. It sure is.

“Neither Ray-Ban nor Bain de Soleil can help Charlie Crist. He's been AWOL, crisscrossing the nation — basking in so much of John McCain's reflected light, that he's suffered sunstroke. The man-with-the-perpetual-tan has become Florida's Herbert Hoover, whose sunny disconnect during dark days sank this country into the Great Depression.”

At 4:32 PM, March 14, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Governor Spitzer,

You should have just hired an intern!

Yours truly,

William J. Clinton

At 7:26 PM, March 14, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Clayton Ellsworth didn’t like the last book I suggested. So, I’ll suggest another one for you to read: "The Liberal Mind: The Psychological Causes of Political Madness" by Dr. Lyle Rossiter.

Can you believe it? Just when liberals thought it was safe to start identifying themselves as such, an acclaimed, veteran psychiatrist is making the case that the ideology motivating them is actually a mental disorder!

Helped me better understand liberals.

At 9:07 PM, March 14, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're spending too much time reading books. Can't Niblock find more for you to do in the County Parks Department?

At 11:31 AM, March 15, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Yes, it is old news and yes, I was just trying to generate a little friendly political banter with you. It worked!

You don’t seem to like my book selections. How about this article “The Rise of American Incompetence” about our country’s current financial/business situation?


P.S.: Here is someone I’d like to see on McCain’s VP list (even though she majored in Journalism!). One of the most popular governors in the U.S.—yes, more so than our own Charlie. Click on BIO when you get to the link:


At 5:15 PM, March 15, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Excellent article.

Add to the list of incompetence, Bear Stearns then add to the list, the bail out of Bear Stearns, the schlock shop of investment banks.

I think Warren Buffet got it right when he said "now that the tide is going out and we will see who has been swimming naked "

The much ballyhooed 52 months of economic expansion was the result of cheap money and failed economic policy not real demand for product nor the productivity that this nation used to be capable of.

Yes, a lot of product was sold, but, were it not for cheap easy money, debt and slavish consumption there would have been little economic expansion.

Younger untested management is about to lead American corporations through the uncharted waters they helped create by their indifference to corporate ethics and honesty, their success the result of ruthlessly climbing over the backs of others and paying lip service to mission statements they rushed to write but chose to ignore.

When Fortune magazine lists the best American Corporations as they just did, proper perspective is in order. The reality is that this is a very short list that includes companies struggling like Washington Mutual, Starbucks,Wellpoint, Humana, United Health,J.B. Hunt, all 5 homebuilders, Kraft foods to name a few.

All is not well or as it seems in spite of the the happy face that Fortune,Forbes or Business Week wants to put on for readership consumption.

Will economic hard times teach America a lesson ? Will it cut us down to size as my father used to say ? Will economic adversity teach us some humility as a nation ? Will the rise of America incompentence continue?

Lessons were learned from the depression that brought real economic expansion under the leadership of great business icons to a great and greatful nation.
History will repeat itself, if only we don't ignore it.

Clayton Ellsworth

At 10:50 PM, March 15, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Voice of Reason says . . .

American leaders (business, politics, media) saw America turned their backs on America for a very specific reason: the Supreme Court waged war on Americans. When the (Warren) Supreme Court scared all owners of anything in America of losing everything through legal action, Americans froze. As the Supreme Court tyranny went on, Americans realized that the country was against them and not for them. People began to be for themselves and not the country, their business, their community or their church.

Can you blame them? At any time a court can come in and take everything that you and your family has worked for for years. Maybe you have a business, do you fear some stupid discrimination lawsuit? What if you live on the border with Mexico, don't you fear that you will get sued and lose your land if defend it? Maybe you run a corporation, can't you lose your job if you mention how crappy a product the schools are producing?

Do you anyone who isn't paralyzed by the fear of the government taking everything away from them? Look to the root of that fear and you will find a fear of a lawsuit that is supported by activist courts.

Do you want more activist judges? Vote Osama or Hitlery. Hitlery will put in judges like Ruth Ginsburg or whoever NOW suggests. Osama will pay back Oprah. Well, his followers do want CHANGE - that's some change. Think I'm nuts? Bush nominated his friend Harriet Miers.

McCane respects (strict Constitutionalist) Roberts and pledges to put on more exactly like him.



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