Politically Homeless

This blog is created as a forum for the increasingly large number of voters in Marion County, Florida who consider themselves to be "Politically Homeless". We are individuals who are frustrated with political parties and discouraged by "politics as usual". Many of us have no registered party affiliation. Others stay registered with a party only to vote in primaries, but no longer identify with the party's current political direction. We encourage you to post your comments.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

E-One: The Last Thread

Hopefully, this will be our final thread on the E-One issue! There are now conflicting reports concerning the economic impact of E-One leaving.

An “updated study” by Policom President William Fruth says the County will lose 4500 jobs and more than $100 million in revenue to local government. This revised study shows a more negative impact than did the original December study.

A different, independent study, recently completed by CLM Workforce, projects the loss of E-One would cost the community 1,969 jobs, and a reduction in county revenues of $40.7 million.

As you know from previous posts to the Blog, the Ocala/Marion Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors unanimously supports the incentives package.

So do these conflicting studies and Chamber support make any difference to you concerning whether or not E-One should receive nearly $26 million in city, county and state incentives to stay in Marion County? Let’s hear your comments.

We did a Straw Poll on this issue a month or so ago. We would also like to see if the sentiment about the E-One package has changed since that survey. Please click on the link below and give us your vote:



At 7:38 PM, February 28, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nothing has changed my mind. I still vote "No".

At 8:06 PM, February 28, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Based on the very good financial condition of E-1's parent company, how could anyone in their right mind think about giving local taxpayer support to a thriving company!

At 10:10 PM, February 28, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...


You are killin us with E-one discussion. Don’t you realize it's a simple situation? E-one will be the defining moment for all local politicians. It will define who the fiscal conservatives are and who the fiscal liberals are. Vote against the E-one deal and you are a conservative---vote for it and you are a fiscal liberal. How many fiscal liberals get elected or re-elected in Marion county? If a politician is concerned about re-election, their decision is simple. Throw economic studies and what the Chamber of Commerce thinks out the window. It will be good old, plain and simple political strategy and satisfying the voters who control the elections. Simple, no further discussion required!

At 7:49 AM, March 01, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Night Owl, your suggestion makes sense to me. All E-One has to say is we'll take the $25 million and are staying in Marion County. The political powers vote yes and the deal is done!So why wouldn't E-One agree to that?

At 10:35 AM, March 01, 2007, Blogger Blog Master said...


This is a bit long, but very important reading from the EDC about E-One:

"E-ONE Package Projected to Yield 159% Return on Investment"

Bill Fruth, nationally recognized economic analyst with POLICOM Corporation, released his findings on the study commissioned by the Ocala/Marion County Economic Development Corporation (EDC) to determine the return on investment (ROI) for an incentive package to encourage Emergency One (E-One) to stay in Ocala. The report was unveiled at the EDC’s Board meeting with key community leaders today.

According to Fruth’s presentation, the ten-year local investment for incentives to keep E-One in Ocala, $4.5 million from the County and $4.8 million from the City, will yield a 159% return to the local government coffers. Moreover, the Marion County Public Schools, that has no investment, will benefit to the tune of $4.6 million. The projected figures are derived from a documented history of tax payments and payroll figures generated by E-One and calculated over time using the Regional Input-Output Multipliers (RIMS II).

Fruth also challenged an opinion that has been expressed in the community, “If you think, ‘Let
them go, we’ll get somebody else in here,’ I can tell you it’s not gonna happen.”

He went on to present data that showed, in 2004, there were only 480 manufacturing (wealth
producing) projects in 17 Southeastern states. Of these projects, only two employed more than 1,000 workers, and they were call centers that typically pay a low wage, seven employed more than
500 workers and 96 employed more than 100 workers - a far cry from what would be necessary to replace the 1361 jobs we would lose if E-One leaves.

In addition, Fruth emphasized the significance of the role manufacturing plays in our local
economy. Currently there are 9,656 manufacturing jobs of which E-One and its suppliers make up 1,823. That represents 19% of the total picture.
“This is a big deal,” stressed Fruth. “Just look at the ruins of the industrial Midwest and see
what it looks like to if you were to lose almost 20% of your manufacturing base.”

Fruth also shared he personally knew of three communities that would be eager to write checks for
$10 million today to get a project like E-One because those areas have run the numbers and realize the value of wealth producing companies.

E-One President, Marc Gustafson was in attendance and addressed some of the misinformation
regarding the project and E-One’s intent.
“Some are under the impression there is a pile of tens of
millions of dollars sitting on the
table that is being offered, and all we have to do is take it...this is a performance-based incentive package that we will work hard to earn.”

Gustafson went on to compare the package to tax-free promotion days.
“In August, when you go to buy school supplies, you receive a tax credit on those purchases. But, you have to make the purchase to get the benefit. We must meet requirements to receive the benefits.”

When questioned about extending the March 31st time-line for a decision, Gustafson replied that
the deadline was not arbitrarily selected and all parties have had time to review the project.
“This is taxing on everyone. We need to tell our employees something and move on...There are
many things we need to do to enhance this company...we want to be champions of change, not victims of change.”

Fruth answered questions related to the use of public funds as incentives for attraction and
retention of business.
“Governments aren’t formed to make money. They are formed to protect, serve and generate a
better quality of life for the residents. This is a situation where there is no actual out-of-pocket money - short of $60,000-$70,000 the County will pay out - which actually goes back into the schools. It’s a wash.”

Fruth also brought up the argument that some say E-One is bluffing, and they could never afford to start up and train a new work force.
“Don’t assume a local workforce will be the anchor that holds this company. Some communities have thought that and were surprised…This deal is CHEAP! Especially now in these changing times with fierce competition for these kind of projects.”

Pete Tesch, EDC President/CEO is confident the study provided local officials with the information they need to make a sound decision.
“This is a big decision for them to make, and they need all the facts to make an informed decision for the community. Everyone has been waiting on the numbers to come back. This is the first step. Tomorrow we will hear the recommendation from the Financial Review Committee which will be presented to the Economic Impact Fund (EIF) Review Committee. This is an established process that E-One is going through, just like the other 16 companies who have received EIF funding since 1998.”

Tesch also encouraged the community leaders to rally support for the project and let the City and County officials know they will stand with them in making this monumental decision. Fruth will present a brief summary of his findings at both the City Council meeting as well as the County’s public forum on March 6. The complete study is available to the public on the EDC website,

Tesch points to historical figures who helped mold and shape this country to become the economic
power it is today. Alexander Hamilton, the first Secretary of State issued a call for government
to lead the charge in creating economically vibrant communities.
"In matters of industry, human enterprise ought doubtless to be left free in the main, not
fettered by too much regulation, but practical politicians know that it may be beneficially
stimulated by prudent aids and encouragements on the part of the government."

At 12:00 PM, March 01, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 12:04 PM, March 01, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a post from another blog by C Thurow. I think he's got the right question about E1.

The question is: Do we as taxpayers want to provide coporate welfare? Yes or No?

At 7:28 PM, March 01, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I’m very confident the E-One incentives package will be given the OK by City Council and County Commission...no matter what people are saying on the various blogs, forums, polls, etc. Based on what I’m hearing from E-One contacts, there are two definite yes votes on each of the two approving groups.

That means only one of three remaining members of both elected groups needs to be convinced to vote yes: On City Council, either Charlie Ruse, Kyle Kay (not likely) or Dan Owen (best bet, since he does business with E-One and will likely be given the OK to vote by the Ethics Commission); on the Commission, either Jim Payton, Stan McClain or Charlie Stone (best bet, based on his strong alliance with business people at the Chamber).

So it’s looking real good at this point!

At 8:30 PM, March 01, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

E-One---- Get out. Your CEO's arrogance to the taxpaxpayers has been shown by demanding a deadline. The blogmaster can put all the numbers he wants in his message but bottom line is "corporate welfare". A mammoth profitable company like Federal Signal does not need us to fund thier CEOs million dollar windfall packages they receive every year.

At 10:12 PM, March 01, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hate to dump ice water on your enthusiasm Steve. But the three councilmen and three commissioners you mention could just as easily vote “NO”. E-one is far from a done deal. The citizens, not just EDC and the local chamber of commerce, will be who those making the decision will listen to. And most of them are not E-one employees or special interest business folks. It ain’t over until the fat lady sings, and she may come down with laryngitis (it’s going around).

At 11:24 PM, March 01, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'm with night owl.

At 8:05 AM, March 02, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

See the Chamber influence peddlers are out in force to convince all their buddy politicians to support welfare for E-1.

Where is the media rage? Won't be any, cause a Democrat is in charge of the Chamber. What a farce!!!!!

At 9:14 AM, March 02, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you're referring to Jaye Baillie, she's a registered Republican, as is a good number of folks in the Chamber (if not a big majority.) How come they're not sounding the alarm?

At 10:22 AM, March 02, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Key word is "registered". She is a RINO, pure and simple. See who she has supported. She is registered for convenience only. Calling her a Republican is a crock!!

At 11:54 AM, March 02, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 12:44 PM, March 02, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Registered Republican or not, my experience is the Chamber has almost always supported every tax increase that comes along, (including some I have supported). Even though most of their executive committee may be registered GOP, they are not a conservative organization and have not been for 25 or more years.

I promise you most of the chamber members have not agreed with the taxes they wanted to impose in years gone by.

I am not suprised the Chamber wants to give the $25 mill to E-One. If it was $50 mill the Chamber would support it. But ask individual small business members . . . probably 80-90 percent of the ones I have talked with in the past four weeks say no way.

The lobbying pressure is on by the mopnied crowd, and it will be interesting to see how big a crowd they turn out at the county meeting.

If I was a commissioner or councilman, I would say I will vote when we get a public signed agreement from Federal Signal that if the $25 mill is approved, they stay: No further negoiations or coy moves. No come back that Georgia is offering $35 mill and you gotta go to $40 mill. You approve $25 and we stay, pure and simple and here is our signature all laid out in public for the Star Banner to see and report and copy of the agreement in print.

And I would not vote without the agreement. So far, all the people of Marion County have is a move to see just how far we are willing to go.

Without a public commitment from Federal Signal, I would not vote.

At 4:21 PM, March 02, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with PWF.The time for lip service from E-1 is over. Either fish or cut bait.Or, put your money where your mouth is.

Fear mongering on the part of the EDC, the Chamber, and E-1 is going to come home to roost. So is their arrogance.

At 7:13 PM, March 02, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let’s see now---secret meetings, closed-door sessions, city and county elected officials meeting with one another, “conduits”, lobbyists treating key elected decision makers to a “cold one”, etc. Do we have some questionable behaviors and actions related to the Sunshine Laws? The E-One goings on aren't looking too good for some of our city and county politicians.

Just raising some interesting circumstances for all of us to consider as the E-One decision is coming down to the wire.

Haven’t posted any comments in awhile, but E-One now has my attention.

At 8:46 PM, March 02, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

E-1 has a real big problem with their communications with the people in our county. It also looks like there are only about 25-30 people who are just talking to each other about what to do with the E-1 request for help. Is anyone really listening to us working stiffs about what we think? I wrote a letter to my councilman a few weeks ago and nothing in return. I’ll try to go to the meeting next week, but doubt it will make any difference since its so late and the decision to give the money has probably already been made among the 25-30 involved.

At 10:09 PM, March 02, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nite Owl and PWF have given us a good formula to resolve the E-One situation:

FS Commitment = Yes to $

Federal Signal needs to step to the plate and level with us on its intentions.

At 11:42 PM, March 02, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

At an average wage of $38,000 per year per E-one employee (from an EDC report), that is an annual payroll of $49.4 million. How about a voluntary payroll reduction of 5% from each employee? That will reduce the annual payroll by about $2.5 million; nearly the amount needed each year for the next 10 years by E-one from the taxpayers. 5% less pay versus no job is not a bad option. I prefer an employee/employer solution over a taxpayer funded one.

At 7:33 AM, March 03, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My for whatever it’s worth prediction. The vote on E-One’s package will present a tremendous opportunity for Randy Harris to begin staging his return to influencing local politics. Anyone who votes for giving tax money to E-One is going to be on the list of politicians targeted by Harris and his gunners in the next election that politician runs. That will likely put Stone, Kesselring (when he runs for State Rep.), Guinn (when he runs for State Rep.), and likely a few others right in the cross hairs of the Harris machine guns. Would not be surprised to see a few of these fellows get shot down. Remember Parnell Townley? Harris could be even more dangerous now that he isn’t in office.

At 9:02 AM, March 03, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous @ 11:42 PM yesterday

I have heard from several E-1 employees that they have too many people. And that a new consolidated facility would need about 20%-30% less people than the current setup. If that is the case, then reducing the employment numbers from 1300 to something in the neighborhood of 900-1000 would free up annual cash of about $10.4 million to $15.4 million. So why not make the tough business decision and not shift the burden to the taxpayers?

At 9:53 AM, March 03, 2007, Blogger Blog Master said...


Update as of this AM. 63 bloggers responding.

Question: Should E-One be offered taxpayer-supported economic advantages in the range of $26 million to keep it from leaving Marion County?

Yes 33%
No 67%

(We will provide another update early next week.)

At 11:22 AM, March 03, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i don't believe your survey. How could anyone vote yes to support this big gov't handout!

At 1:14 PM, March 03, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

7:30 am Anon is right on target. Any Republican that votes for this will be targeted and beaten. This will put Harris and other fiscal conservatives right back in the drivers seat. I welcome it.

At 6:45 PM, March 03, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like the 5% wage reduction idea. Wouldn't be much of a sacrifice to keep a job a E-1.

At 10:30 PM, March 03, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I remain convinced that E-One is going to get a thumbs up by both the City and County/

At 7:45 AM, March 04, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congressman Cliff Stearns has offered his verbal support for keeping E-One. Very politically self-serving on his part. Words are easy. Show us the money Congressman. Where is some "real support" with Fed funds?

At 7:47 AM, March 04, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh yes, as a P.S.

See all the local manufacturers have also lined up in support of E-One. Should we have expected anything less. They may also want to join the govt. gray chain at some time in the future.

At 10:08 AM, March 04, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I told a friend, who is a successful investment manager, I had money to invest and was thinking about putting it into Federal Signal, E-One’s parent company. I wanted something to give me long-range growth and income potential. His advice, I should find something else. He would not put his blessing on using my money for Federal Signal. In short, there are much better investment opportunities out there.

Perhaps our local politicos have clairvoyant power that is telling them there is a great opportunity to use $25 million of taxpayer money to basically “invest” in the future of Federal Signal (via E-One). If so, they should probably give up their political jobs and make their fortunes as investment managers.

My point, I would rather see the E-One incentive package used to attract a business (or businesses) with better long-range potential than it appears Federal Signal/E-One may have; maybe a business(es) employing half the number of people as E-One, with equal or better economic impact on our community, and with much less stress on our infrastructure. However, I’m just one of those dumb taxpayers. What do I know about long-term and high-finance decision making?

One thing I do know, there are many people who feel the same as me and are waiting to see how our political leaders vote on this issue.

At 2:54 PM, March 04, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 7:04 PM, March 04, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The EDC report shows a loss of local tax revenues if E-One moves away. Does that mean that unemployed people don’t have to pay property taxes or continue to purchase items requiring sales tax? That seems a bad assumption to me. Also, if someone sells a home to move away or to generate cash to live on, the new buyers pick up the property tax, probably at a higher rate than the previous owner. All these figures floating around in articles and news reports are getting very confusing.


At 9:52 PM, March 04, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Noticed the company Councilman Dan Owen works for is supporting E-1. His company does business with E-1. I read that and that he is trying to get permission to vote on the E-1 deal. Seems he is going to vote for the deal. That really smells bad!

At 10:06 AM, March 05, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

E-1 doesn't give a damn about Ocala. Call around some of the organizations who need community donations to run and ask them how good E-1 is since they were bought out by Federal in contributing money. The answer is Zilch!

At 12:53 PM, March 05, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hoope someone connected with E-One will comment on this . . .

I note that the comparison of Federal signal to others in their industry group shows Federal signal does very poorly when you look at numbers of employees, sales per employees and profit per employee. If this is true, and I feel confident the figures are accurate, and since Mark Gustafson first said E-One would cut the employee base back to 900 employees, then later claiming he never said that, why would Federal Signal now allow the EDC to say employment will increase in the future?

I read Ken Daley's excellent piece in the Banner, but he does not comment on the market's comparisons of Federal Signal to their industry group. Look up those comparisons and study them.

I am not a market analyst and certainly I am not an economist, but would our elected officials invest their money in Federal Signal? Would you? --pwf

At 9:14 PM, March 05, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

All the attention to E one is ridiculous. They represent about 1% of the total county employment and we are spending all this time on them. How about some attention to the other 99% of the workers, some with no health care, barely getting buy and not able to buy the big cars that E one employees do. How about some special incentives passed our way to where we work?

At 8:31 AM, March 06, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It seems to me that Mr. Owen and Mr. Ewers need to recuse themselves from the E-1 voting. Both have strong financial ties to E-1. Just doesn't look good.

At 9:48 AM, March 06, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

General Motors recently announced that it will invest more than $300 million to upgrade its manufacturing plant in Tonawanda, retaining at least 1,350 full-time permanent jobs over five years.

As part of the agreement, GM will receive $5 million in subsidies . The state incentives include a $3.5 million direct ESDC grant for the purchase and installation of the machinery. The remaining $1.5 million for the installation of energy efficient lighting.

Lafayette, Ind. – March 13, 2006 – The possibility of adding 1,300 new manufacturing jobs to the county’s workforce rolls and landing a $200 million investment in equipment at the Subaru of Indiana Inc. (SIA) plant prompted local officials to assemble and offer an incentive package valued at nearly $7.6 million

3/1/2007 ]
The state of Pennsylvania is offering Rite Aid an incentive package totaling $1.45 million, which was leveraged to secure an $11.2 million project
The expansion project will create 350 new corporate jobs over the next three years, and also retain 1,400 existing Rite Aid headquarters employees.

Does anyone still think that this E-1 deal was properly negotiated by anyone who had any idea of what they were doing?

"Marion County- the place where the trough filled with tax payer money is built wide and deep."

The elected officials should say no to the deal and tell the EDC to get off the dime and bring in ten 50 employee companies that have growth potential. (hint- try recruiting when it is winter time in the north)

At 11:07 AM, March 06, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Observations about the E-One deal:

First, the posting above by Anonymous is extremly interesting and if those figures were in the ball park locally, the only argument would then be philosophical: Is it the government role to subsidize business.

I would like to ask Anonymous the source of the posting above on the three northern subsidies. If you can, please post where we can read more.

I am becoming more doubtful now I know E-One attempted to get this handled as a walk-on by the county commission where there could be no public comment.

Final thought: With the Star Banner's emphasis on open government, when do we get the minutes of the negoiating sessions with E-One, city, county and EDC. After all, EDC gets city and county tax money just as Munroe Regional.

It is becoming more difficult to like this deal. --pwf

At 12:24 PM, March 06, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's a link to "Site Selection". A top mag in the business:


At 11:00 PM, March 06, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whats our swing voters going to do??? Owens, Guinn & Rich....Have you made your mind up yet? Or does that happen with your last phonecall before the vote? I have a clear vision that Guinn & Owens are still on the fence. Clearly this is insane. As a private small business owner what is going to stop me Mr. Guinn & Mr, Owens to coming before city council toask for money??

At 11:10 PM, March 06, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We know how Mr. Owens is going to vote. Look at the finacial connections he has to E-one. Bad chess move if so. If Mr. Owens was smart he would exempt himself as others have had to. Kudo's to Mr. Kay & Mr. Ruse!!!!!!!! Thanks for looking out for us city taxpayers.

At 11:51 PM, March 06, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

E-One Public Hearing at BOCC

It was a wild meeting that went round and round for a while. Stan McClain and Charlie Stone stood fast against the incentives. Andy Kesselring also voted down the proposal as it was written.

Kesselring then motioned to make E-One an offer of about one million less. Jim Payton asked, "whats the difference?" and Kesselring said...."Thats what they were demanding, this is what we're offering." Payton, Fitos and Kesselring approved the motion. Stone and McClain dissenting.

My take: The EDC and Pete Tesch has lost much credibility.

Interesting stuff actually.

At 2:41 AM, March 07, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why is Mr. Owens not recusing himself from this vote????? Mr. Guinn, I hope you have more sense than to vote for this issue!!!!! There are more registered city voters oposed to this nonsense then there are E-one employees!!!I can assure you we the people of the city of Ocala will not forget such a foolish decision. This will lesson your abilites to sucede in the next election. We (city of Ocala residents)needs someone to stop this. Mr. Ewers, you have truly prospered from this company. How are you even comfortable making your opinion public?? Shame Shame Shame!!!!! Isn't this against the law what E-one is trying to do??? Who's going to stop another business from doing this and whats the criteria going to be for doing so???? E-one needs to be something of the past!!!!!!!!!!!

At 9:32 AM, March 07, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Whats our swing voters going to do??? Owens, Guinn & Rich....Have you made your mind up yet? Or does that happen with your last phonecall before the vote? I have a clear vision that Guinn & Owens are still on the fence. Clearly this is insane. As a private small business owner what is going to stop me Mr. Guinn & Mr, Owens to coming before city council toask for money??

11:00 PM, March 06, 2007

dunno where your info came from but the first toi commit was guinn who is running for state rep. keep his vote in mind when you ote. rich has always been in the pocket of people with money.

At 10:48 AM, March 07, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can appreciate all the anxiety the E-One employees are going through. I’ve been in their shoes twice in northern cities. Not to diminish the situation with E-One, but it is not nearly as bad for our community as many cities have experienced. What if 30% of the local work force was going to be displaced, as happened when the shoe industry left upstate N.Y., or about the same % when Polaroid shut down in another part of N.Y.? Also, unemployment was already at nearly 10% in the two communities where the shutdowns took place!

If the figures I have seen are correct (and that seems to be a big, big problem), then only about 1.6% to 3.7% (depending on whose figures you use) of the local workforce are going to be out of work if E-One leaves. County unemployment is at about 3.6% and I would estimate that the out of work % are way too high, with such a low local unemployment rate.

Will there be temporary disruption for some local workers if E-One decides to leave? Of course. Many will have to get new jobs, be retrained, or leave Ocala. Is that the end of the world? Of course not. I’ve done it twice and survived. Also, neither of the N.Y. cities disappeared, and their economies recovered very well with the entry of new businesses. Some needed businesses were even started by those who were out of work.

So let’s not get “chicken little” complex over E-One. If E-One leaves, they will need to be good corporate citizens and extend temporary help (financial and otherwise) to those who must leave their jobs. Our community shouldn’t accept anything less from them.

At 1:13 PM, March 07, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What about the comment brought up by three people last night that the E-1 moneys may violate our state constitution?

At 3:44 PM, March 07, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anon asks "What about the comment brought up by three people last night that the E-1 moneys may violate our state constitution?"

Constitutional purists maintain the state and federal constitution prohibits things like the E-one grant (and many other things that are generally accepted today.)

In this case, if they craft the language, the action can be such as would make it constitutional according to the courts.

That does not make it "right" tin the mind of the far right, it just makes it legal according to the courts and the legislature. --pwf

At 4:03 PM, March 07, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

After watching most of the televised hearing on E-One, come comments:

1. The general conduct of the audience was very good. Only one kook got out of line, and the only thing he left out of his usual mantra was the vermin and snakes that he usually claims run everything. If his attitude and conduct is what makes people Christians, it is no wonder there are so many unbelievers.

2. I noticed several people "speaking" for their association -- like the Marion County Manufacturers Assn., Munroe Hospital, the Chamber etc. They speak only for the board of directors, not the membership. I doubt many members of the Munroe Board knew Steve Purves would be speaking in their behalf.

3. The question was obviously a problem for most of the commisisoners, but that is what they get paid the big bucks for.
Personally, I was surprised at the vote. After all the lobbying, I would have pegged Kesselring and Fitos for it, Payton and McClain against and Stone the swing vote.

Instead it was Stone leading the charge with some damning questions and doubts, with Kesseling adding to Stone with philosophical problems with the structure the EDC came up with, and McClain expresing the problems more than half of the community has with this type government activity, while Payton (who frankly knows better) joined Fitos.

You will notice no one talked about the E-One financial condition. John Gerri only said they were provided all the information they requested.
And none answered the question I aske the other day: would you invest in Federal Signal after reading their financials.

No one wants to see E-One pick up and leave. No one should want to give away the store. The biggest problem the people I have talked with have is the precedent this give away, give back or grant -- whatever you call it -- sets. What and how much do we offer Lockheed Martin to stay? How much do we offer Signature Brands to stay?

What would the response be if the Star Banner said it was picking up and mvoing to Gainesville to produce its papers unless the county gave them $5 mill to stay . . .

My prediction: a revamp of the way the city and county operates with EDC, probably some personnel changes, and a much smaller city package offer, with the state dropping its portion to correspond more closely with the local offers.

We should never again be in a position where the first quetsion was "what will it take to keep you from leaving . . ."

But kudos to the conduct of those speaking. Some of the ladies made more sense than their husbands have made. --pwf

At 4:29 PM, March 07, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If this E-1 “incentive” passes Headlines should read “City, County and State agree to pay record $26 million to keep E-1 from fleeing Marion County.”

What a PR bonanza for Marion County. Something the Chamber of Commerce and EDC can be proud of.

Other County EDC’s Nationwide can train their sales force that if you have a prospect thinking about going to Marion County just tell them that "it’s so bad in Marion County that they actually pay to keep you from leaving once you are there”

Why do our representatives want to fuel a nationwide incentive to stay “arms like race” by agreeing to such a preposterous and undefendable high $ amount?

Did anyone note that the "negotiating" team did not even require that the company maintain heath care for the employees ? Took the wind out of Mr. Purvis's sails.

At 4:43 PM, March 07, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

City Council members who are getting ready to cast your vote in favor of this crazy request of E-one, there is no taking it back, especially when E-one folds in 2-3 years. Who wants that on their record. Mr. Guinn, Owens or Rich. The others have made it quite clear their solid position.

At 7:06 PM, March 07, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I didn’t attend last night’s Commission Public Hearing about E-One. However, I did stay home and watch the entire event on TV. That was probably a better way for me to more objectively evaluate each speaker’s point of view without being influenced by audience reaction. I made my living for many years observing and assessing people, so this event presented a great opportunity.

As PWF noted, generally, people seemed to be fairly well behaved; with a couple of exceptions on each side of the issue. The one very concerning thing for me was watching those representing the E-One side. I came away very disappointed at the “greed and entitlement” mentality exhibited by too many of those speaking on behalf of saving E-One (including the management).

Perhaps it is just a sign of the times or I’m getting old and out of touch with the world of work. Although, I don’t think age has anything to do with it. I have said for several years, based on my global work experience: one of the reasons we are losing jobs to foreign countries is they are providing a better educated, dedicated, affordable and motivated work force than the U.S. Perhaps last night was an indicator of that fact.

I don’t have a dog in the hunt for E-One. Although, I did not support the idea of a financial package to keep them in Ocala, and expressed that to my commissioner and others. Two of my several concerns for not supporting the package were addressed last night: (1) the use of cash and (2) the overall amount of the package. Some will say the changes made were only “cosmetic”. And I guess you could make a good argument on that point. I did hear today that the $800,000 difference between the original package and Andy Kesselring’s “2nd vote” proposal may bring things back to the total amount of the original, maybe even more. That’s disappointing, if so

The next event on the schedule is for the city council to take action on the package. It would seem approval is a foregone conclusion. Hopefully, with some look see at the amount being committed.

Is the end of the E-One saga near? I think not. It may be just the beginning of more controversy!

At 11:23 PM, March 07, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...


You mean you weren’t there with the rest of the County’s liberal big money Republicans (should I say RINOs) supporting WELFARE for E One? I thought you might have even put in a few thousand of your own money to keep Fed Signal’s rag tag operation here.

What’s our County coming to? Have you taken a turn toward being a REAL Republican?

At 5:58 AM, March 08, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Again, why are council members and commision members voting when they CLEARLY have financial ties to E-1? Typical Ocala politics.

At 7:31 AM, March 08, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Noticed the EDC is going to give the City Council a $80,000 year break on paying its fee to EDC to help them overcome the shortfall in the E-One incentives package they now have versus the County’s revised offer. If I were the County Commissioners, I would sure ask for a comparable break from the EDC. How about us county taxpayers not having to foot the bill for the EDC just like the City folks? Makes sense to me. Hope one of our Commissioners will propose it.

At 10:28 AM, March 08, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Federal Signal is expecting profits to be up 30% and sales up 8%-10% in 2007. Do you suppose that profit figure includes a provision for the “hosing’ they are about to give our local political leaders?

At 7:32 PM, March 08, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...



At 10:26 PM, March 08, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"E-One Employees Unite!"

You all better get you a union as soon as possible. Do this no matter whether the idiots at Federal Signal decide to stay or leave. You need the protection.

At 9:00 AM, March 09, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not a big supporter of unions, but from what I see in the E-One situation employees would be wise to seriously consider one.

At 9:23 AM, March 09, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Q-Why would Federal Signal want to re-locate E-1 in the first place???

A- In order to reduce labor cost by hiring "less experienced" cheaper workers.

Q- Does the "incentive" package
fix that problem.
A- NO! it just puts a bandaide
on it.

At 5:52 PM, March 09, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK, the city and county are under by $800,000 the amount of $9 million they promised E-One. What now?

At 7:48 PM, March 09, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

CEOs make 400 times the annual salary of thier workers. A 50 million dollar handout means another massive "windfall" for the fat cats. When will it stop? American taxpayers on a national level need to stop fighting each other for what few jobs are left. And so ironic that every fire truck sold by e-one is paid for again, by the taxpayers. E-One get out.

At 7:52 PM, March 09, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have a small business that employs two people. If E-One gets 11,000 dollars per rmployee, I guess I can send the county my bill for 22 grand.


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