Politically Homeless

This blog is created as a forum for the increasingly large number of voters in Marion County, Florida who consider themselves to be "Politically Homeless". We are individuals who are frustrated with political parties and discouraged by "politics as usual". Many of us have no registered party affiliation. Others stay registered with a party only to vote in primaries, but no longer identify with the party's current political direction. We encourage you to post your comments.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Open Thread

{This thread is closed. Use the new "Open Thread" posted on October 30 for your discussion topics.}

Have a hot issue you would like to discuss? Use this thread for any hot topics you want to cover and get some input from other bloggers.


At 9:56 PM, September 26, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

september 26, 2007. Remember it or not.

the democrats are going to gain another seat on the county commission!!!!

guess which one.

At 11:24 PM, September 26, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

In your dreams!!!

Butler and Sizemore will come close, but close only counts in horseshoes.

Get some new faces Dems!!!

At 10:22 AM, September 27, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I’d like to hear what some of you think about Commissioner Jim Payton’s proposal to add a referendum to the ballot on January 29, 2008. His idea is to determine how voters would feel about a 1/2 mill increase in our property taxes (generating about $10 million) to fund various social service needs. The emphasis would be on programs for children and senior adults—but not exclusive to those two categories.

At 11:45 AM, September 27, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think he is making a mistake by not making it exclusive.

1/4 mill or whatever directed soley to social services may have a chance. Collecting taxes with a "we may or may not attitude" will go down in smoke.

At 4:05 PM, September 27, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Voice of Reason says . . .

If Jim Payton is proposing such a redistribution scheme, he is dead as a conservative. He is being paid to solve problems and not present the voters with more problems. There is no need for more taxes, only less government spending.


At 5:18 PM, September 27, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gun Nutt says...

Programs for children and seniors paid for by tax dollars? That reminds me of when I was a child. Everyday I went to school, then when I got out of school, my Grandmother would pick me up and take me home. We stayed there watching TV, reading books, or whatever until my parents got home. Family, what a great program for children and senior citizens. It keeps both busy, entertained, and stimulated; and it doesn't cost the tax payers a dime.

If the family answer doesn't work for you, then try one of the many other programs already available. Check out a book from the library. Take a walk in the park. Go fishing in one of the lakes. There are plenty of things children and seniors can do which do not involve the government taking any more of our money.

I'm ready to vote for anyone who will lower taxes!

At 6:12 PM, September 27, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where are all these religious groups when you need them to help on the social services needs. I'm for more voluntary contributions and less on using my tax money to fund social services. I'll continue to contribute to the groups I feel need the support. But I don't want government making that decision for me.

Next thing you know the County Commission will want to tax us and give the money to the United Way!

At 7:49 PM, September 27, 2007, Blogger lost our way said...

It would be a great country if all the social services needs for seniors and children could be filled by charity organizations and donations and no tax money was required. Unfortunately, we don’t live in those times. My years ago experience, and likely that of VofR and Gun Nutt, is gone forever when it comes to taking care of the needs of our young and elderly. There just aren’t enough charities and money to go around. I’m not big on tax money being used, but it’s unavoidable.

Children in particular are on my list of those we must take care of. Call me a softy, but many kids didn’t ask for the family they have. And some of these families are down right bad news. Ding the parents, but don’t ding the kids.

I’d support Payton’s proposal only if it is targeted and not discretionary as to use.

At 8:27 PM, September 27, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Voice of Reason says . . . .

Lost Our Way has a good heart but that kind of thinking has got to go. I understand a heart for kids with terrible parents (if any). The problem is that the parents are still the parents and the government has to give the money to adults. What happens is that these idiot parents know that the government money is coming and rely upon it. The parents sell the kids' food stamps and spend the Social Security checks on XBoxes. Because the dentist and doctor are paid for by the government, parents spend the money on cigarettes instead.

The same thing for seniors - many seniors getting extra help from the government live with their children and the children live off of the checks. As I mentioned earlier, the job of walking out to a mailbox to get a government check is a highly sought after career in Marion County. One career track is to have a senior parent live with you and sponge-off of that senior parent. The government money again ends up in the hands of a dirtbag.

My point is that, no matter how hard the government tries, the government handouts always fall into the hands of the parents of kids or adult children of seniors.

If you want to so something good for children, volunteer as a Big Brother or have some other direct involvement. For seniors, find someone who needs help and help them. If you give the money to the government, it will get funneled to a Twinky eating, pill popping, Morgan, Colling and Gilbert calling, mailbox checking, senior scamming, cigarette butt throwing, lottery playing, Mory Povich watching, and smelly exhaust car driving lowlife.


At 9:50 PM, September 27, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not sure if any of you are women, but I am. I am sick and tired of my tax dollars paying for unwed mothers and single parents. Why is it that men are making decisions about how to spend my hard earned money on social issues (we all know what they are; unwed moms, single parents, etc. etc.) when men are a huge part of the problem! I'm tired of paying for other's irresponsibility's. As long as we continue to make it easy for people, the problem will never be solved. I love children, that's why I only had one. Why? Because that is what we could afford. I came from a family of 5 and guess what? We never took a dime from any government program. Why? Because my father worked his ass off to provide for his family. It would have been an embarrassment to him to ask for help although according to standards, we certainly met the criteria. All these social programs started out helping those truly in need...now it's an entitlement. Seniors? Give me a break...have you been to the Villages lately? I'm considered a senior yet I refuse to sign up for AARP. Why? Because I work and don't need a discount. I choose to save it for when I truly may need it. Bottom line is that people need to be responsible and as long as we keep bailing them out, it will never change. I'm sure Mr. Payton has good intentions, however, it's been done and guess what? Hasn't worked. Now if you want to go after all the dead beat Dads...another story.

At 11:22 PM, September 27, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A new tax---NO!

At 8:19 AM, September 28, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a general comment not issue specific---
Elected officials should lead and vote for issues based upon current information and a thorough review of the facts. They should circulate among their constituents (other than when running for office) to gather insight. Constantly placing issues on ballots is nothing more that political cover and allows them to duck responsibility for they can always "blame" the voters. Times change, sometimes there are unintended consequences, which can be fixed easily unless you are frozen by a vote from the sometimes not too well informed public or, poorly worded ballot language. Unfortunately when one member says lets put this before the voters so that they can decide (I need cover), there is never anyone around with the backbone to say “they already did.. they elected us”

At 8:22 AM, September 28, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here is an example of the type of issue that is forcing more local governments to step in and accept responsibility that used to be assumed via our federal tax dollars. Social services are an easy target to cut at the federal and state levels and shift the burden to local government, as seems to be the case with Payton's idea. Read this letter from the Gainesville Sun:

"SCHIP must be saved from Bush veto threat"

I am dismayed and outraged that President Bush and the Republicans are once again blocking legislation to help the most vulnerable of our citizens.

Bush is threatening to veto a bill to continue to provide health insurance through the the State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) for low-income children. That program helps fund by Florida KidCare, the insurance for the children of low income working parents.

This program was initiated in a proud moment of bipartisan cooperation 10 years ago (pre-Bush).

I'm sick and tired of losing essential programs that in the long run save the taxpayers money (by preventing major illnesses through preventative health care) to fund an immoral war.

I urge my fellow Floridians to speak out against this injustice. Our children should not have to pay for the budget deficits caused by this fiasco in Iraq.

In less than a week, millions of low-income kids will lose their health insurance unless the funding is renewed.

The new Democratic majority in Congress is working to fix our broken health care system, starting with our children.

But President Bush and Republicans in Congress don't want Democrats to get credit for this popular effort. Two-thirds of people support children's health insurance, particularly when it is funded by tobacco taxes.

Karen Epple,

At 11:04 AM, September 28, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...


What happens when a new generation doesn't smoke? You know the "truth" campaigns that teach us the ills of tobacco. No smoking equals no taxes. Then what? Do we tax people who eat hamburgers? Tax alcohol thru the roof? How about if the government decide just what is exactly bad for the human body and tax it severly to pay for the "children".

Hell, Karen, illegal aliens in this country have access to anything they want because we don't want to offend them. Look closely at the bill President Bush is about to veto and god bless him for it. Who exactly are these "children". Products of parents who have cells phones Escalades, expeditions, jewelry. What about personal responsibility on their part?

Immoral war? The president of Iran leaves this country and flies straight to Venezuala to meet with Chavez and you chastize Bush?

"Freedom is most often lost, not through bloodshed and war, but by the silent encroachment of those in power"

God bless America

At 8:24 PM, September 28, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Karen - As much as I admire your passion towards our children, let's get real here. Remember when the lottery was introduced and taxpayers were sure that all that money would go to education? Well that didn't happen. Remember when the Tobacco companies were sued and all that money was going to go to health care and education? Didn't happen. Did you watch the news today? Now Democrats are lobbying to provide maternity leave with pay..who do you think will pay for that? Employers not the Government. Why do I have to pay for other peoples children's healthcare or for their maternity leave? Why can't parents PLAN for their children instead of just deciding that the government will take care of them? We have a health department already that provides all the routine shots, and more for anyone that qualifies for a reduced rate. We also have Planned Parenthood where you, your husband, boyfriend can get birth control for FREE. Stay home, be a parent and plan for the expenses you will have with the responsibility of having a child. I spoke to one of your so called needy women and guess what she had the gall to say to me? My son is going to have the best; Tommy Hilfiger clothes! No job, already on every public assistant program available, no husband or father to share in the responsibility of raising this child, and all she cared about was a pair of $30 jeans for her infant. I wanted to slap her. Enough said.

At 10:19 PM, September 28, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Bringing us closer and closer to becoming a third world country.

At 8:18 AM, September 29, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How much did the Special Election to fill the Argenziano and Baxley positions cost Marion County?

The answer: nearly $272,000.

That's how much Dee Brown is asking the State Division of Elections to reimburse Marion County.

At 11:21 AM, September 29, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why is President Bush going to veto SCHIP? Because the Democrats are trying to turn SCHIP into a new middle class entitlement. Hillary Clinton has already introduced legislation that would raise SCHIP income eligiblilty to 400% of the Federal poverty line. That would put eligibility at $82,600 for a family of four. This would qualify no less than 71% of American children for public assistance! Many of these families would smartly drop their existing health insurance coverage and go to government paid SCHIP coverage.

The stupidity of the situation is that a family entitled to SCHIP benefits could also be paying the Alternative Minimum Tax on income that is supposed to apply to the “rich”.

I say veto the SCHIP proposal. It goes well beyond the intent of helping the poor.

At 8:47 PM, September 29, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Voice of Reason says . . . .

Anon 8:18am, while nobody likes to see the government spend money, at least that money went to people who had to wake up early, shave, shower, comb their hair, and arrive at a job. It ultimately went to people who did some type of work that day - be it a government contractor, government employee, day laborer, or whatever.

Better that it go to those guys than the Twinky crammers.


At 9:31 AM, September 30, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

anonymous at 9:50 PM, September 27, 2007 . . .

change your sex to male and you have my life story.

so it is not just women who feel that way. i am just not as cynical as voice

At 10:42 PM, September 30, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks like the star banner is for the SCHIP program increasing the number of eligible. Should we be surprised?

At 11:24 AM, October 01, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

And that's different than expected?

At 3:06 PM, October 01, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who is going to pay the most for extending SCHIP? The low income people via an increase in the cigarette tax from 39 cents to $1.00 a pack. Why? Because it has been established that low income people are heavier smokers than wealthier people and will be hit the hardest. Really great idea by the Dems the protectors of the poor!!!

At 11:08 PM, October 01, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Voice of Reason says . . . .

I'm for raising cigarette taxes to make them not affordable. Take the cigarettes away from everybody. Having a cigarette in your mouth or between your fingers is like wearing a sign around neck that says, "I'm a cro-magnon." Does anyone know anybody with any intelligence who smokes? I don't. Try to have a conversation with a smoker for one minute without them convincing you in that short amount of time that they are a complete bone-head. Tax them out of that idiotic behavior.

One a different note, anyone hear Clarence Thomas on the Big Race bigots who tried to put him out of business? He said that growing up he feared the Clan but that, he has come to realize that he feared the wrong people all along - the real bigots are the NE liberals and Big Race bigots. What vindication for us who have had the courage to speak out against affirmative action, diversity, racial preferences, ebonics, Hillary worship, Maya Angelou subsidies, Bobby James and multiculturalism. We were right all along.


At 9:04 AM, October 02, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...


You asked the question I have to answer. Smokers with intelligence?
Eisenhower, Patton, MacArthur? Those names ring a bell? Historical yes, but far from "cro-magnon" or "boneheads".

I tend to agree alot with your view of things but sometimes you make a "bonehead" statement.

Tobacco is not the devil. Government regulation has/does/can/and will cause more harm to an individual than any cigarette.

At 10:21 AM, October 02, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Voice of Reason says . . .

Yes, there have been many very intelligent smokers and I have known a few. But, c'mon folks, when I see YOUNG PEOPLE smoking today, I can't believe it. You either have to be really dumb or really trying to prove a point. Everyone smoked back when Eisenhower smoked and WWII was probably won on cigarettes. My main thing is young people smoking and, more stupid, starting smoking. It is virtually impossible to stop once you start - I don't blame the people who started years ago but why would someone start now?

In summary, you are right Anon 9:04am - there are many smart smokers. I tried to link my comments to the behavior but I didn't do too good a job of that.


At 11:05 AM, October 02, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think the government should provide all of us with free automobile insurance. The way to pay for it would be to tax those who have accidents or receive traffic citations. Makes about as much sense as a cigarette tax.

At 11:14 AM, October 02, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

No problem VOR.

Keep up the good posts. I think we are on the same page about government.

At 12:19 PM, October 02, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

County Commissioner Jim Payton's proposed referendum to show public support for funding social services failed to win commission approval.

By a vote of 3-2, the board opted not to put that issue on a countywide ballot.

Payton and Commissioner Barbara Fitos voted for the referendum.

Commissioners Charlie Stone, Stan McClain and Andy Kesselring voted against it.

At 3:34 PM, October 02, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Voice of Reason says . . .

The difference between cigarettes and virtually anything else is the extremely addictive ingredients in smoking and the virtually guaranteed health problems. If you start smoking, you are almost 100% guaranteed to get addicted and very likely to be much sicker than those who do not smoke.

Great news from the County Commission. The true conservatives and liberals have shown their faces.


At 5:22 PM, October 02, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gun Nutts says...

Speaking of phoney Republicans, did you see that Mel Martinez is stepping down as head of the RNC? In a related story, I see that the Democrats are raising twice as much as the Republicans lately. I guess when you support amnesty for illegal aliens, you kind of lose credibility with conservatives. I hope we can get some decent republicans soon.

I notice, while the Democrats are busy convincing the voters to move to the left, the republicans are busy convincing the votees (their candidates) to move to the left. Maybe republicans should focus on moving the voters instead of the votees.

At 5:31 PM, October 02, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

To VOR - As far as I am concerned, if you are going to try and punish smokers, then we need to also go after drinkers as well. Of coarse that will never happen..too much money made on liquor sales. Personally I do not know anyone that has ever killed anyone in a car by smoking, but we sure know plenty that have been killed by drunk drivers. All that money that was supposed to go to healthcare after big tobacco was sued? Went to educating our children on the evils of tobacco and alcohol. Like that program has worked. There are more kids smoking and drinking now then there ever was before those stupid "say no to drugs" programs. And let's not forget all the overweight people and their health issues..wonder how much their healthcare is costing us..let's start taxing them as well. If we keep it up soon all our personal rights and freedoms will be taken away. You already got government involved in telling owners how to run their businesses by passing that stupid bill of "no smoking" in restaurants..what's next? Making it illegal to smoke? By the way, I'm not a smoker or a drinker.

At 7:55 PM, October 02, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Voice of Reason says . . . .

The difference with cigarettes is that they stink like a burning rhinoceros butt. When a person smokes, they spew smoke over others who detest the smell. Especially inside a building. It's especially irritating because the stooges who want to smoke inside are only doing so to look try to look cool and the smoke is both addictive and harmful. Why should non-smokers have to smell the disgusting emulsion of tar, nicotene, tobacco, paper, phlegm, spit, sputum, and lung oyster while trying to shove down some baby-back ribs?


At 7:57 PM, October 02, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Voice of Reason says . . . .

I have a way of dealing with the smokers who hang outside of buildings and smoke by the front door: after eating nasty middle-east food or cole slaw I swallow some air and then crank a huge greasy belch on them as a walk by. They look at me like I'm rude. What's the difference? They are just belching their nasty smell on me.


At 7:32 AM, October 03, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

To VOR - Why should I have to watch some overweight slob loading his plate up with those baby back ribs (after they have parked in their handcapped parking space because they are so overweight they can't walk). Why should I have to witness someone who has obviously had one to many only to see them get their keys out and drive away? Why when I am shopping, dining, in a place of business, do I have to listen to everyone's conversations while they are yapping on their cell phones? Extreme? Yes, but I feel as strongly about those issues as you feel about smokers, however I don't want laws governing such. Once you start passing laws that infringe on peoples personal lives, it will not end. Question: Do you want to be forced to pay your employees for maternity leave? I know I don't, but congress is working on that bill right now. Now how do you think that will affect your insurance rates?

At 7:37 AM, October 03, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just for grins VOR, find a pack of cigarettes and look at the Surgeon General's warning label. It now says nothing about causing lung cancer..the label only says "Smoking by Pregnant Women May Result in Fetal Injury, Premature Birth and Low Birth Weight". That's it. Wonder why?

At 8:55 AM, October 03, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Voice of Reasons says . . . .

I will develop more thought on this but I will not have time to post until this evening. Believe me, I detest the voluntarily overweight folks pounding food while sitting on their "little rascals," the cell phones and the phony handicapped. I think the difference with smokers is that the smoke can travel and get into nostrils, eyes, etc.


At 11:20 AM, October 03, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank goodness there are three Commissioners who don't want to expand the social services taxing.

At 11:29 AM, October 03, 2007, Blogger Blog Master said...

President Bush today vetoed expansion of the current State Children's Health Insurance Program, arguing the new program offers government-run health care to too many Americans who don't need it.

The president has said that the 61-cent tax on each pack of cigarettes to pay for the measure is regressive, and the government should not be providing health care to families whose income is as much as $80,000 a year. He also expressed concern that the offer of low-cost, government-provided health care will encourage many people who already are covered by private insurance to switch, adding considerable strain to the government system.

Let the debate continue.

At 5:32 PM, October 03, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gun Nutt says...

The president did the right thing, but he did it for the wrong reasons. The correct reason would have been that we don't want more people on the government dole.

At 8:09 PM, October 03, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gun Nutt says...

Interesting thing about disabled parking permits is that the standard involves, among other things, the inability to walk more than 200 feet without stopping to rest. How many feet do you think these people walk once they get inside the Super Wal Mart and they don't stop to rest? Unless by "rest" you mean knocking down an old lady to get that $30 DVD player at Christmas time.

At 8:48 PM, October 03, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Voice of Reason says . . . .

As to Anon 7:37am, I think that I have seen a label like that - yeah, you know why - tobacco lobbyists got the language of the label toned-down probably. The label should read: "You have spent money on this disgusting and dangerous product instead of buying milk and bread for your children. In the early days of our country, Indians got the White Man hooked on this crap and even traded tobacco leaves for real good stuff like guns and horses. After that, the Devil used the addictive quality of this product to put a really stupid idea into the mind of the White Man. The White Man left magnificent cathedrals of Europe on high-tech ships and arrived on an African shore to see people living in huts and dancing around with paint on their bodies. The white man thought that it was a good idea to buy these people from African slave traders and ship them to North America to do the manual labor on tobacco farms. This way, the white man could make even more tobacco at a cheaper price so that people all over the world could smoke these things and get sick and be rude by blowing their smoke on non-smokers."

It goes on to read: "By purchasing this product, you are helping to fulfill the terms of a settlement agreement whereby Democratic Governor Lawton Chiles 'hand selected' a team of 12 tort lawyers (i.e. he spoon-fed the case to his friends) to funnel cigarette profits into the hands of the lawyers and to advertisers who make worthless commercials."

Finally, it reads: "Be sure to stand right in front of building entrances while using this product. People love to walk through your disgusting fog of tar, phlegm, spit and lugie juice while they are trying to get into the building. They especially appreciate it after they smell crisp and fresh from a shower and newly washed clothes. While you're at it, make sure that you walk around with that raspy hacking cough that puts everyone around you in a pleasant state of mind."

Finally: "Should you begin to feel sick from this product, be sure to convince yourself and others that it is not a result of this product. For instance, you can blame the cough on your lingering 'viral' bronchitis. PS, if, after reading this lengthy government warning, your kids still need some milk and bread, throw 'em a Twinky and maybe that will shut 'em up."


At 10:54 PM, October 03, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mayor race: A little birdie asks, "Do you want someone to hold a political office (regardless of how little power the office enjoys) who may voice opinions of fiscal matters, but whose own house is in arrears?"

If you answer NO, then vote to reelect Randy Ewers.

At 10:55 PM, October 03, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

While I appreciate your humor VOR you have still missed my/the point. So, let's continue the fodder. My heart disease, diabetes, is caused because I could not say no to that rack of ribs that you so enjoy. However, I will continue to enjoy that which is killing me. My kids? Well they will continue to care for me as they watch me shove those fatty ribs into my mouth as I call 911 for every ache and pain all the while blaming it on those darn smokers (as I consume my six pack of beer) Yes, that wave of smoke I had to walk through to get to those ribs, as I cash my welfare check and purchase my six pack, is surely the cause of all my health woes. Those dam smokers are to blame for all of our health care issues.

At 11:24 PM, October 03, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gun Nutt says...

I see VOR has come up with a good method to deal with smokers but he also mentioned that he is annoyed by people who talk loudly on their cell phones in stores and restaurantes. I have a way that I like to use to deal with these people. I get right behind them and get on my phone and talk louder than the person who I'm targeting.

If they are speaking spanish, I will just talk giberish into the phone, "boka boka boka!" or something similar. They usually look back at me like they are bothered by me speaking a language that they can't understand. It's a great payback!

Another time, just the other day, I was in a restaurant and a young cute girl was talking to her friend on her cell phone about some guy she slept with. She was talking about how she really liked the guy and how he told her he loved her. So I got out my phone and pretended that I had received a call and began to tell my "friend" on the other end about this girl I slept with and how I told her I loved her but oh course I just said that to get her to sleep with me. I think I ruined her day. Oh well just a few fun things you can do when your out and about.

At 11:38 PM, October 03, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love all you compassionate conservatives out there supporting SCHIP and the social services referendum!

At 11:45 PM, October 03, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Voice of Reason says . . . . .

Anon 10:55pm - Touche - good stuff.

I think that I get what you are saying. I don't think that the no smoking in restaurants had to do with health as much as comfort. While health concerns is used as a reason for such laws, the main reason was/is that the smoke smells and hurts eyes and ruins the taste/smell of food. Cell phones and fat people eating, while very bad, will probably not irritate people to insist upon legislation.


At 8:15 PM, October 04, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gun Nutt says...

This debate shows exactly why more power to state and local governments is preferable to national and certainly to global control. If there is strong local control over the laws and you really hate smoking, you can move somewhere where everyone shares your view and then you can pass laws against it. Maybe you could make the law say that if anyone blows smoke in your face and irritates your eyes then you are justified in giving him a face full of pepper spray.

If you realy hate fat people then your town could have a tax that is based on the percentage of a person's weight that is fat. 10% body fat is a 10% tax, 25% body fat is a 25% tax, and so on.

As it is, even the things that technically are controlled locally strangely do not seem to vary much from state to state and town to town. Take the drinking age for example. Technically it is a state law but the states all passed the same law. In fact, I remember about 10 years ago seeing a number of news stories about how high school kids were going on cruise ships and drinking beer! The newsman was astounded, how could these cruise ships be so negligent. I, on the other hand, was astounded at the stupedity of the newsman. Once they leave Florida, the 21 year old drinking age doesn't apply. Strangely, now the cruise ships do not allow people under 21 to drink.

P.S. it also shows why one person should never have to pay for the heathcare (or anything else) for someone else. By paying for those things, they acquire a stake in how you live your life. As a result, they begin to exert control.

At 9:38 PM, October 04, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Voice of Reason says . . . .

Roflmao is angry because the Pres vetoed the SCHIP bill. The best thing that the govt. can do to improve public health is to reduce the cost of healthcare providers in the free market. The way to do that is by funding the two medical schools that the legislature created (So. Fla. and Orlando). As it stands, they are set to not get their funding at this time.

Instead, the govt., because of pressure from racial groups, fully funds useless additional law schools such as FAMU and FIU. These schools have in their mission statements the "high and lofty" goal of diversity. This diversity has cost the Florida taxpayer and consumer in the form of two less medical schools. It also means that there will continue to be more lawyers available to sue doctors and hospitals. As Dirty Harry says, "that's a hell of a price to pay to be fashionable."


At 10:16 PM, October 04, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I'm sure on your side about the need for more medical training facilities.

At 10:27 PM, October 04, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gun Nutt says...

Adding to Voice of Reason's comments, I just read the other day that the dean of the new FAMU law school makes $250,000 per year. That's our money folks. It is just like they reached in our pockets and took it. Actually, it's worse. At least if they reached in your pocket you would get to experience the fun and excitement of "making a citizen's arrest." Thanks VOR for getting me in that Dirty Harry frame of mind.

At 11:29 PM, October 04, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Having health insurance is not necessarily the answer. We have good coverage but can't get doctors and you have to wait forever to get an appointment. If you have ever been to an emergency room it is even worse.

At 12:17 AM, October 07, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am lucky; I actually have a doctor that I can get an appointment with; when I need it. When I arrive, I have never waited for more than 10 minutes. He's the best! Yes, I have insurance, however, what I pay out of pocked is not outrageous. I expect to pay for my health care however I do not run to the doctor for every ache and pain. Not to offend anyone, but for many seniors, going to the doctor is their social life.

At 10:17 PM, October 07, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The NYT says that over 2 million people would have switched from private insurance to SCHIP if the change the President vetoed had been put in force. All of us getting stuck with the bill in the process. I think he did the right thing with the veto.

At 6:22 PM, October 09, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yo, Voice of Reason:

Did you attend the Racial Harmony and Cultural Awareness Task Force Prayer Breakfast this AM?

At 11:53 AM, October 10, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you are interested in finding out which of the various Presidential candidates has positions on key issues best agreeing with yours, copy and paste the following link and answer a few questions to help determine your “Presidential Compatibility”:


At 4:25 PM, October 10, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Voice of Reason says . . . .

no roflmao, I didn't and I wouldn't. I already know that George Washington Carver made a bunch of things out of Peanuts. They don't have to spend taxpayer's money to tell me that AGAIN.

I'm sure that Mary Sue Rich was there grandstanding and parroting something that she heard on Oprah. I can guaran-damn-tee that she read some Maya Angelou poem tho the three people in attendance.

I'm sure that were a lot of groups there showing that their heritage has traditional music, foods, dances and believes in strong family values. Big whoop! Every culture has the exact same thing with a note, dance move, or spice tweaked here and there.

Thanks for asking and getting me riled-up again, I was having a great day until you asked.


At 5:28 PM, October 11, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gun Nutt says...

Wow! Racial harmony and cultural awareness! Culturl awareness sounds like they would be helping to make new immigrants and other ignorant people aware of the elements of our culture that have made us great. You know like our founding documents, our strong work ethic, our great inventors like Thomas Edison, and our great business people like Henry Ford.

As for racial harmony, that sounds like maybe they are fighting against the things that have stired hatred among the races. You know like, the Big Race industry (Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton) and laws and policies which drive a wedge between the races like affirmative action policies.

Alas, I am sure this racial harmony and cultural awareness group has not addressed any of the above topics. As such, they will be ineffective.

At 9:47 AM, October 14, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gun Nutt says...

Speaking of goverments wasting our money on programs designed to brainwash us, I found a story on worldnetdaily.com that says the city of Albuquere is forcing their employees to watch Al Gore's brainwashing movie. At the tax payors' expense!

If you want to check out the story the link is

At 10:03 AM, October 14, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gun nutt says...

By the way, I regard government taking my money and using it to brainwash me as the biggest insult. It's kind of like getting shot with your own gun.

At 8:48 PM, October 14, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

WOW! The National Democrat Party is saying that any of its staff going to NASCAR races needs to get shots against tetanus, hepatitis, etc. They say that these NASCAR types are "carriers" and all Dems should take precautions. Can you believe these people? If anything it should be the other way around. The NASCAR enthusiasts should get vaccinated against the Democrats!

At 7:26 PM, October 15, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Want to know what happens to friends of Hilary and Bill Clinton? Check out the link below:


It’s gruesome!!!

At 12:44 PM, October 16, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's brutal.

At 9:53 PM, October 16, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If true, and if can be proved about the Clinton's, don't you think this would/should come out during her campaign? Why has nothing been said about the fact that she is a lesbian? Not that I care, but she pretends to be something she is not. They are scum. God save us if she is elected.

At 10:05 PM, October 16, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gun nutt says...

Good thought but let's aim higher.
I'm praying that God will save us from her being elected in the first place.

At 11:08 AM, October 18, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here is something that may get a few bloggers juices flowing!

Does affirmative action work? A research study in California suggests affirmative action does not work in law school admissions.
Currently only about one in three African-Americans who goes to an American law school passes the bar on the first attempt and a majority never become lawyers at all.

In an article published in the Stanford Law Review, a research-team study concluded several thousand would-be black lawyers either dropped out of law school or failed to pass the bar because of affirmative action. The study claims students who are unprepared and whose academic credentials are below the median are admitted to law schools they are unqualified to attend. If those same students instead were to go to less elite or competitive schools, more would graduate, pass the bar and become lawyers.

Recently, a California bar committee voted 5-3 to turn down the study teams request to use bar data collected over the last three decades on student test scores, law school admissions, academic performance and bar passage rates. The data is considered key to determine if racial preferences work. What are they hiding?

For more, go to:


At 5:09 PM, October 18, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gun Nutt says...

In a related story James Watson, of DNA and nobel prize fame, has now stated openly that he believes there are major differences in the intellegence levels of the different races.

If you want to check out the full story check it out at


At 8:09 AM, October 19, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gun Nutt,

The guy now claims he never said that blacks were less intelligent than whites....


At 12:09 AM, October 20, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Voice of Reason says . . .

Speaking of college affirmative action/quotas, can anyone say Obama!? He's a case in point - everybody talks about the Harvard part of the equation but fails to talk about the affirmative action/quota part. He's the poster boy for his mollycoddled race.

I don't know about genetic differences as to intelligence. I'm not sure that I buy any of that. Even if there is a difference it is so slight as compared to the achievement gap between the races. The big thing that I see is a culture of failure and dependency. So many minorities seem to be content to recycle bad habits and destructive thinking. Liberal whites don't help with all of their efforts to mollycoddle. That just creates deeper dependency.

I see that New Orleans is putting commercials on TV to "come back to New Orleans." I guess that they expect everyone to forget that they insulted the hell out of everyone: saying nothing less than that white people planned for the levies to break and destroy houses and purposely kill minorities. The Mayor then publicly called the city a "chocolate" city. The Mayor and many other "leaders" made many other extremely insulting and hateful statements. All the while the Black congressman from the area was stuffing cash in his freezer.

Now that all of those arrogant mollycoddled bigots are running low on dough, they want us all to forget about those sentiments and come back to New Orleans. Of course, they don't want us to forget to bring our wallets. This is what I mean by the term Jurassic Era minorities: a culture of reliance upon the ancient, impulsive "reptilian" portion of their brain and not the Cerebral Cortex portion. Their are plenty of Jurassic Era non-"minorities" also but the minority culture seems to tolerate and even foster Jurassic-Era thinking.


At 10:32 AM, October 22, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

On Saturday, October 27, the first Ocala Pride Festival will be held at the Ritz Historic Inn, 1205 E. Silver Springs Blvd.

The event will run from 11 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. and will feature free live music, variety shows, educational seminars and more than 30 vendors.

The goal of Ocala Pride Inc. is to celebrate unity, embrace diversity and foster pride within the alternative lifestyle community.

At 1:49 PM, October 22, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I doubt you will see Voice or Gun Nutt there!!!

At 6:38 PM, October 22, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gun nutt says...

Wow an event to celebrate diversity (a/k/a blacks and hispanics) as well as pride and alternative lifestyles (a/k/a gays). How did we ever get along without something like this? I understand one of the events is going to be a "fast and furious" style car race with all the hispanics in hondas participating. Should be a great race. Let's just hope the gays don't stick bananas in those fat tailpipes.

Oh well, I'll try to find out more about other events and keep you posted.

At 12:09 AM, October 23, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Voice of Reason says . . . .

That's going to be a great carnival, it officially goes on 'till 7:00pm but I wonder what goes on after that. Here's a layout of the event:

All booth prizes will be made in China so everyone's kids can get their full recommended daily allowance of Pb (i.e Lead).

There will be free health screenings by Indian doctors. You will go to the first booth and that doctor will refer you to the next booth (which happens to have an Indian doctor) and that doctor refers you to the next booth (that happens to have an Indian doctor). By the end you realize that all of the advertised 30 vendors were actually Indian doctors who referred you to all of the other doctors. Of course, you or medicare/medicaid is handsomely billed for the "free" screenings.

There is going to be some stage where you will see each culture show their specific costumes and dance.

The food will not be authentic but rather "Americanized" versions of ethnic foods: greasy tacos, oily Chinese slop, Rice-a-Roni Spanish chicken and rice, dried-up Publix sushi, frozen microwave quiche from one of the gay guys, and boxed falafel mix.

The music will be some drag queen renditions of Dolly Pardon, Brittany Spears, and Mae West accompanied by scantily clothed male dancers. The male dancers will be doing gyrations end bends. At the end of each act, the impersonator's wig will "accidentally" get knocked-off and you will be staring at a full grown man in stockings and make-up.

You will see Mary Sue Rich there dressed as some type of imaginary African queen.

The ironic thing is that, none of those folks are diverse but rather conformists. They are just conforming what others tell them to be. I will not be there, but not because I do not like those folks. I will not be there because I am an individual and I don't need some manufactured event to make me feel pride in myself.


At 6:48 AM, October 23, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

And you wonder why Ocala is still called "slo-cala". Why our children grow up and move away from here so we are only left with the old Ocala folks still living in the 50's who run our city using the same mindset. Comments made by VOR and Gunn Nut only prove my point. Just plain ingnorant and bigoted. Maybe an event like Ocala Pride is not something you wish to paticipate in, but how can you pass judgement on something you have never attended or know anything about?

At 6:01 PM, October 23, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gun Nutt says...

I learned a little more about the big event this weekend. It seems that they will have Dion Warwick there singing her hit song, "Do you know the way to San Jose?" The Mexicans are very excited about this performance. I think their excitement may turn to disappointment or even anger when they learn the song is not a tutorial on crossing the border without being detected and then blending into a California suburb.

I also heard that Liberace will perform the Aretha Franklin song
"R-E-S-P-E-C-T" I think he'll bring new meaing to the song when he gets to the part that says "sock it to me, sock it to me, sock it to me"

Anyway, again if I find out anything else I'll let you know.

At 7:54 AM, October 24, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about a celebration for Straights? They should also be able to demonstrate their pride and power to our community.

At 10:19 AM, October 24, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

To Anon. 2:23 - I bet some of your best friends are gay; you just don't know it. You'd be very surprised!

At 7:01 PM, October 24, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

All you guys out there. Here is something for you to give your spouse or girlfriend as a nice gift!

Arts, Culture and Entertainment Inc. will help the women of Marion County unwind, relax and have fun.

The non-profit organization is hosting “WAITING TO EXHALE”- Pamper Me Party from 8 p.m. to midnight Nov. 9 at the Pioneer Garden Club, 4331 E. Silver Springs Blvd.

Ladies will enjoy wine, cheese, fruit and dessert throughout the night. The room will be filled with aromatherapy, candles and the relaxing sounds
of jazz music. An all-male staff will serve as hosts and massage therapists.

The cost is $15 in advance and $25 day of the event. Limited VIP tickets are available.

Tickets can be purchased at The Grape Vine Wine Shop, 4701 S.W. College Road #A4. For more information call 208-4894.

At 9:42 PM, October 24, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Several of the men attending the Ocala Pride event on Saturday will be serving the ladies and offering massage services at the November affair mentioned above.

At 12:45 AM, October 25, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Voice of Reason says . . . .

Obviously, the promoter of the "Waiting to Exhale" program is yet another Oprah cool-aid drinker. Wasn't that the name of some f-rated movie starring the exploitive windbag herself? That fact aside, I think that the advertisement for that event and the other gay one stretches the purpose of this blog's existence. Kind of like Al Gore winning a Nobel Peace Prize for talking about Global Warming - completely inappropriate. But, I'm not the blogmaster.

As to Anon 6:48, what do you mean "how can you pass judgement on something you have never attended or know anything about?" My question to you is: How is your "pride" festival going to be any different from the 1,000 other "pride" festivals that have been conducted ad-nauseum? Are you saying that yours is going to be different? If so, how? If not, then I am accurate in my judgment and profiling. As Dr. Phil says, "the best way to predict future behavior is to look at past behavior."



At 7:47 AM, October 26, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

To VOR: "How is your "pride" festival going to be any different from the 1,000 other "pride" festivals that have been conducted ad-nauseum? Why is it "my" fesitval? You are assuming I am gay which I am not. I still say passing judgement on an event you have never attended is wrong. I have never attended a "pride" festival nor do I care to, however your comment is heresay because you have not attended and are passing judgment on what you read or hear. Re; Dr. Phil - yes, he is an intelligent man that Oprah admires and promoted. Funny how you would listen to his advice when you criticize his promoter.

At 10:35 AM, October 26, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey guys, I wonder if Gov. Charlie will bring his feel good administration to the Gay Pride event. He sure hasn't solved any of the real problems he claimed he would handle like insurance and proeprty taxes and his plan for tax reform in the senate is a joke.
So since he hadn't got anything else going for him, a few hours of relaxation at the Ritz for Gay Pride Day might do the trick, no pun intended.

At 10:51 AM, October 26, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Voice of Reason says . . ..

Anon 7:47, since you are in favor of the "pride" event, I refer to it as "your" event.

My point is that, as intelligent beings, we can and should make judgments all of the time. We can and should profile people. That is the nature of intelligence, analyzing our surroundings and making future decisions based upon our observations. Yes, every once in a while there is the aberration.

This analysis can be applied to the "pride" event. In all likelihood it will be a very predictable event that is identical to the 1,000s of other pride events in other places. In the very unlikely chance that this event will be an aberration, I opened for you the opportunity to tell us how this event will be different or how the people there will be different. As of this time, you have not indicated how this one will be different so I will stand by my judgment and my profiling of the event. Its the only "Reason"-able thing to do.

Moving on, is anyone watching any of these series on prison overcrowding? I heard Ted Koppel say that our prisons are failing. Is he suggesting that the prisons are responsible for the dopey behavior of the convicted criminals within the walls? The prisons are doing a great job of making life miserable for the prisoners. Prison should be a place that everyone wants to avoid. Haven't the prisoners failed our society by being in those stockades?


At 10:55 AM, October 26, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Voice of Reason says . . . .

Good one Anon 10:35! Maybe Crist can reach into some pockets and make one of Gunn Nutt's "citizen's arrest" while he's at it.


At 11:52 AM, October 26, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Will the Governor also be providing massages at the Pampering Women event in November?

At 9:21 PM, October 26, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gun Nutt says...

To anonymous 7:47, I assume the reason VOR used a quote from Dr. Phil was so all you folks with Oprah-ized minds could understand his point.

At 7:49 PM, October 28, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why is the Florida Chair of the Democrat Party sending out e-mails to Party members touting Governor Charlie Crist and what a great VP he would be? It proves what many thought, Crist is a Democrat not a Republican!!

At 8:20 AM, October 29, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You may have it all wrong. Maybe Democratic Chairlady Karen Thurmadrunk (Thurman) is really a Republican.


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